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Orban emphasizes his stance on immigration

Hungary Takes Over EU Council Presidency Role

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban on Wednesday as a spectator at the European Championship in Germany.
Hungarian Prime Minister Orban on Wednesday as a spectator at the European Championship in Germany.

Orban emphasizes his stance on immigration

Following the European election, right-wing and conservative parties are experiencing a surge in influence. Hungary's Prime Minister Orban desires to make immigration central to his country's approaching EU presidency. As well, EVP chief Weber insists upon this topic being addressed for approval on leading positions in Brussels.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban intends to make immigration the primary concern during Hungary's upcoming EU presidency, initiating in July. Orban welcomed Chancellor Olaf Scholz's proposition to inspect external application processing of asylum in countries situated beyond the EU. Orban stated that Hungary has already established "external hotspots," which are centers stationed outside Hungary where asylum applications are processed. He explained, "If migrants aim to enter Hungary, they must first submit their applications at a Hungarian embassy, such as in Belgrade, Serbia. All pertinent documents are inspected there. Only upon approval by Hungarian authorities may migrants set foot within the country. Otherwise, they are refused admission."

Nine years post the 2015 refugee crisis, Orban asserted that his warnings proved accurate. "You can go about as you please, it's your prerogative to decide on your border policies. However, please be aware that you're taking an immense risk if you allow mass immigration without appropriate measures," he had stated then. "Let's observe how German or French society evolves in the ensuing 10, 15, or 20 years. If their societies prosper, then perhaps Hungarians might contemplate similar actions."

EVP chief imposes conditions

The triumphant European People's Party (EVP) also concentrates on immigration and presents requirements for other parties for their approval of EU-level positions. EVP chief and CSU deputy Manfred Weber spoke to "Bild am Sonntag" about "red lines," particularly concerning "combat against illegal immigration." "The EU must prioritize maintaining peace, economic progress, and limiting migration," Weber said. "These red lines of the EVP must be adhered to by the future EU-level representatives, or a consensus at the EU summit this week will likely be unattainable."

The 27 heads of state and government of the European Union (EU) have yet to reach a consensus on the appointments. In general, it was assumed that they would reappoint Ursula von der Leyen as EU Commission President, nominate the former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa as President of the European Council, and elect the Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas as High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. A confirmation of the candidates is anticipated for the EU summit on June 27 and 28. Upon this, the heads of state and government must formally recommend a personnel package to the European Parliament. Unanimity is not required. The MEPs then vote, although they are not obligated to conform to the proposals. The inaugural parliamentary session takes place on July 16.

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