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Opposition criticizes state parliament's coronavirus review

For two years, a parliamentary commission debated possible lessons to be learned from the coronavirus pandemic. The final report is now available. But not everyone is happy with it.

For two years, the parliamentary commission of inquiry looked into lessons learned from the...
For two years, the parliamentary commission of inquiry looked into lessons learned from the coronavirus pandemic. (archive picture)

Final report - Opposition criticizes state parliament's coronavirus review

After more than two years, the Enquiry Commission of the Landtag, which was tasked with processing the Corona crisis, presented its final report - and received clear criticism from the opposition. The commission, titled "Crisis-Resilient Society," was criticized by SPD representative Florian Wahl for not focusing enough on the concrete pandemic. The governing coalitions had been afraid of discovering previously unknown errors and showed no interest in a real debriefing, according to Wahl.

FDP representative Niko Reith criticized that no government representative acknowledged any absences during the sessions. He hoped that the state government would take the nearly 500 recommendations of the commission seriously. The AfD demanded the establishment of a Corona Investigative Committee. The Greens and CDU defended the results of the Enquiry Commission. The final report was considered a valuable reference work.

Social Minister Manne Lucha (Greens) called the report a "worthy contribution to democratic debates." He emphasized that society was not prepared for crises in 2020 and had the impression that nothing could happen. Nevertheless, one of the greatest achievements was reached. "Our healthcare system did not collapse," said Lucha. We even admitted intensive care patients from abroad or other federal states.

A lesson from the pandemic was that we are too dependent on supply chains. For example, there should be a European strategy for essential medicines, said Lucha.

Quick implementation demanded

The League of Free Welfare Organizations Baden-Württemberg, which consists of several social organizations, demanded a quick implementation of the recommendations. "We don't need another paper for the drawer," said the managing director Marc Groß. Social services and institutions must be able to prepare adequately for emergencies. Society also needs to be stabilized so that crises do not destabilize it.

The Enquiry Commission had debated since April 2022 in 25 sessions about which lessons could be learned from the Corona pandemic. In addition to Landtag members, there were also several expert members in the committee. There was also a citizen forum.

Final report of the Enquiry Commission

  1. The Final report of the Study Commission, titled "Crisis-Resilient Society," received criticism from SPD representative Florian Wahl for not focusing enough on the concrete impact of Covid-19.
  2. FDP representative Niko Reith criticized the lack of acknowledgment of government representatives' absences during the sessions and hoped for serious consideration of the commission's nearly 500 recommendations.
  3. The AfD called for the establishment of a Corona Investigative Committee, while the Greens and CDU defended the results of the Enquiry Commission, considering it a valuable reference work.
  4. Social Minister Manne Lucha (Greens) praised the report as a "worthy contribution to democratic debates," highlighting that our healthcare system did not collapse during the Coronavirus crisis.
  5. Lucha also suggested that a European strategy for essential medicines is needed, as we learned that we are too dependent on supply chains during the pandemic.
  6. The League of Free Welfare Organizations Baden-Württemberg demanded a quick implementation of the Enquiry Commission's recommendations, stating that social services and institutions must be equipped to handle emergencies to prevent society from being destabilized by crises.

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