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Opponents of Asylum Issues Sound Alarm Over Vacation Packages: Frequently, Individuals Seeking Refuge Escape Islamist Aggression

The state and local alliance perceives merely a short-term alleviation in the decrease of asylum...
The state and local alliance perceives merely a short-term alleviation in the decrease of asylum seeker arrivals.

Opponents of Asylum Issues Sound Alarm Over Vacation Packages: Frequently, Individuals Seeking Refuge Escape Islamist Aggression

The group Pro Asyl cautioned against stereotyping refugees after a knife incident, allegedly carried out by a Syrian resident in Solingen. According to Pro Asyl, shared on Monday, "Refugees frequently seek safety from the very Islamic aggression we've experienced in Solingen." The organization insisted on "tackling Islamist terrorists through legal means and the rule of law".

Pro Asyl condemned calls for a pause in accepting refugees from Syria and Afghanistan. They stated, "It's unacceptable to subject refugees from Afghanistan and Syria to blanket suspicion." For instance, suggestions like those from CDU leader Friedrich Merz, as perceived by Pro Asyl, are "unconstitutional and contradict EU law." Furthermore, such a strategy would be "cruelly inhumane and divisive for our society."

Pro Asyl urged political leaders in the democratic mainstream not to engage in a race to the right with extremist and nationalist forces. Instead, they suggested politics to "back the institutions in our country that have combated extremism for years." The general public ought to "stand united and jointly defend our freedoms" in opposition to "the manipulative tactics of extremist and nationalist forces."

Pro Asyl strongly criticized the alleged assault with a knife by a Syrian resident, arguing that it should not be used as a basis for stereotyping all refugees. After the incident, they emphasized that it's unfair to suspect refugees from Syria and Afghanistan collectively.

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