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Opponent of Netanyahu cancels Israel's emergency government.

Gantz resumes his role in the opposition.

Netanyahu had tried until the end to prevent Gantz from resigning.
Netanyahu had tried until the end to prevent Gantz from resigning.

Opponent of Netanyahu cancels Israel's emergency government.

After the horrifying attacks by Hamas, the former opposition leader, Gantz, joins Israel's Prime Minister, Netanyahu's war cabinet. However, tensions between the two leaders have increased substantially. As a result, Gantz's departure from the government benefits the extremists in the ruling coalition.

The diverging opinions about the fate of the Gaza Strip prompted the resignation of Israel's Minister Benny Gantz from the emergency government established by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the terrorist attacks by Hamas on October 7. Gantz informed the media about his decision late in the evening. He had previously warned of his resignation if the Netanyahu administration failed to devise a plan for a post-war order in the Gaza Strip. Gantz's ultimatum ended on Saturday.

Gantz's departure from Netanyahu's government may also impact other members of his party, according to him. Despite this, Netanyahu's right-wing religious coalition will continue to govern with a majority of 64 out of 120 seats in parliament without Gantz's party. The ex-general Gantz had joined Netanyahu's government as a minister without portfolio to show solidarity. However, his party, the National Union, operates in opposition.

Netanyahu had created a war cabinet with Defense Minister Joav Galant, Gantz, and two non-voting deputies. This limited the influence of his ultra-right coalition partners on crucial war decisions. Gantz's decision could potentially dissolve the war cabinet. The power of the right-wing extremist coalition partners is nevertheless on the rise.

Netanyahu urged Gantz not to leave until the final minutes. "Don't abandon the emergency government. Don't let our unity fade," he wrote to Gantz on the platform X. "This is the time of unity and not division. We must stand united in front of the formidable challenges ahead."

The "Sensible Adult" in the Extremist Government

With Gantz's departure, it is likely that Netanyahu will be more aggressive in catering to the demands of his right-wing religious coalition partners, who want a harsher approach to Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The "Times of Israel" believes that Israel might lose international support more quickly without Gantz in the cabinet. Gantz's presence in the emergency government were crucial for the success of a ceasefire agreement and hostage release negotiations with Hamas, since Netanyahu's partners are opposed to such a deal.

Gantz, a former Israeli Chief of Staff, formerly portrayed the most extreme right-wing government in Israel's history as a more moderate presence as a "reasonable adult."

Reports indicate that the US wanted Gantz to remain in the cabinet as long as negotiations for a ceasefire and hostage release with Hamas were ongoing. Without Gantz, the chances of reaching an agreement may reduce as Netanyahu's extremist coalition partners reject the idea of a deal.

Gantz recently criticized the leadership for delaying important decisions crucial for Israel's victory in the Gaza Strip. "A tiny minority has taken control of the steering wheel of the Israeli ship, and is leading it towards the rocks," he said, referring to Netanyahu's right-wing religious coalition partners.

Gantz called for the establishment of an American-European-Arab-Palestinian government in the Gaza Strip, pointing out that it should not be Hamas or Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. However, the US is relying on the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank, under Abbas, as their preferred option for the future. The PA could then regain control of the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu opposes this, as Hamas violently ousted the PA from the Gaza Strip in 2007.

Netanyahu has so far neglected to present any plans for the administration and reconstruction of the Gaza Strip post-war, perhaps due to a desire not to upset his ultra-right coalition partners, who seek goals such as the highly contentious Israeli settlement-building in the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu's political survival relies on these partners.

Rumors circulated that the cause for Gantz's return to the opposition might also be his declining popularity. For months, his party had led in opinion polls well ahead of Netanyahu's Likud Party. However, recent surveys claim that for the first time since the start of the war about eight months ago, more people prefer Netanyahu when it comes to choosing a Prime Minister. The lead of his party over Netanyahu's has also shrunk in recent weeks.

Read also:

Following Gantz's resignation, calls for a harder stance against Hamas in the Gaza Strip from Netanyahu's coalition partners have grown stronger.In light of Gantz's departure, Benjamin Netanyahu may face increased pressure to cater to the demands of his right-wing religious allies, potentially leading to a more aggressive approach towards Hamas.

