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Kamala Harris, still Vice President, on stage during her speech at the Democratic National...
Kamala Harris, still Vice President, on stage during her speech at the Democratic National Committee Winter Meeting 2023 in Philadelphia. At the convention in mid-August, she will be chosen as the Presidential candidate.

Only then does Biden's successor officially clarify himself

US-President Joe Biden will not run again for the White House. His potential successor could be his Vice President Kamala Harris. But other Democrats are also considered possible candidates. The decision lies with the 3900 delegates who will vote in the middle of August.

The decision of US-President Joe Biden to withdraw his candidacy less than 100 days before the presidential election is unprecedented in the younger history of the USA. In the coming days, members of Biden's Democratic Party, according to their chairman Jaime Harrison, will initiate a "transparent and orderly process" to determine a candidate or a candidate.

Delegates from all 50 US states, the capital Washington, and the overseas territories participate in the official nomination at the convention in August. The event will take place from August 19-22 in Chicago, Illinois. Biden won the primaries with a large margin. The 3900 delegates, who will travel to Chicago from August 19, are actually bound to vote for him.

Abstimmungs-Debacle or New Beginning?

High-ranking Democrats had planned to nominate Biden already before the convention in an online vote. After Biden's withdrawal, it is unclear whether this meeting will take place. The nomination of the backup candidate ultimately lies in the hands of the delegates.

"Our delegates are ready to take their responsibility seriously to present a candidate to the American people as soon as possible," Harrison emphasized and added that the process would follow the established rules and procedures of the party. The late candidate switch could potentially set US politics back to a time when party bosses fought endlessly in smoke-filled backrooms to determine a candidate.

On March 31, 1968, President Lyndon Johnson shocked the public with his announcement that he would not run again. The step, announced with significantly more lead time before the election than Biden's withdrawal, turned the convention into a political crisis. There were protests on the streets, and the party left was angry about the nomination of Vietnam War supporter Hubert Humphrey. Following this debacle, the states took the primary process more seriously, and the results of the nominating conventions have been largely set in stone since then.

Biden's Heirs: Who could follow?

An obvious, if unannounced, choice for Biden's succession would be Vice President Kamala Harris, whom Biden strengthened with his withdrawal announcement. Former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton quickly spoke out in favor of Harris.

Besides the Vice President, a whole series of democratic politicians could be encouraged to run. The Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer, and the Governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, have been mentioned in the past. Another potentially promising candidate, California Governor Gavin Newsom, spoke out for Harris as a presidential candidate on Sunday.

Biden's exit from the race could theoretically also open the door for a candidate from a third party. However, neither of the two dominant parties in the US political system currently faces a significant threat from an independent candidate.

1992, Ross Perot from Texas became an Independent candidate and gained almost 19 percent of the votes. Due to the electoral system, he didn't get any of the votes that truly matter in a Presidential election in the USA, namely those of the so-called Electoral College, whose 538 members ultimately decide the victory.

The appearance of Kamala Harris as a potential candidate for the United States Presidency Election 2024 is gaining traction, with Biden's announcement not to run again. The role of the 3900 delegates at the Party congress in August becomes crucial, as they will decide the nominee.

If Kamala Harris becomes the nominee, she will face competition from other Democrats, keeping the spirit of Democracy alive in the United States of America. The withdrawal of President Joe Biden from the race recalls a historical event in 1968, when President Lyndon Johnson made a similar announcement, leading to political unrest and protests.

Despite Biden's withdrawal, former Presidents and high-ranking Democrats have voiced their support for Vice President Harris to carry forward the legacy of the Democratic Party. Other potential candidates, such as Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Governor Josh Shapiro, may also emerge, adding diversity to the Democratic party's presidential race.

The United States Presidency Election 2024 could mark a new era in US politics, with some calling for a third-party candidate, although neither major party seems to be threatened substantially by independent candidates at this point.

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