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One of the richest people in the world supports Trump financially

According to the 'Wall Street Journal', Donald Trump has less concern about campaign financing: Billionaire Elon Musk plans to give him a substantial amount monthly.

Elon Musk builds not only cars, but now also intervenes in the US election campaign
Elon Musk builds not only cars, but now also intervenes in the US election campaign

US campaign - One of the richest people in the world supports Trump financially

Elon Musk, the Tech Billionaire, is reportedly going to financially support the Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump significantly according to a newspaper report. Musk is said to make roughly $45 million dollars available monthly for a Pro-Trump Super PAC, according to sources quoted by the "Wall Street Journal". Musk has already made a yet undisclosed donation to the "America PAC".

Musk would have significant influence

Bloomberg Agency also reported last week on a Musk donation to the Trump Supporter Group. However, Musk does not appear on the recently submitted spending list of the group, which shows earnings of over eight million dollars.

Political Action Committees (PAC) can collect unlimited sums of money but are not controlled by the candidates themselves. Among the prominent supporters of the "America PAC" are Lonsdale Enterprises with a donation of one million dollars and the investors and "Crypto-Twins" Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss with each 250,000 dollars. Musk's planned financial involvement would far exceed these contributions and could significantly influence the dynamics of the campaign.

The report in the "Wall Street Journal" also highlighted that Musk's financial support for Donald Trump's campaign could potentially shift the political landscape in the United States of America. This substantial contribution from Musk to the Pro-Trump Super PAC is set to surpass the donations made by other notable supporters, such as Lonsdale Enterprises and the Winklevoss twins. Elon Musk's involvement in Trump's campaign has sparked discussions worldwide, as seen in various international news outlets like the BBC and France 24.

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