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Once more, airspace transgressions have been recorded in Latvia.

Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon or Mysterious Aircraft of Unknown Origin

The Polish Air Force mobilizes in response to Russian aggressions towards Ukraine, aiming to...
The Polish Air Force mobilizes in response to Russian aggressions towards Ukraine, aiming to safeguard its own aerial domain (Archive photo).

Once more, airspace transgressions have been recorded in Latvia.

In Latvia, there's been another breach of airspace, this time due to an unknown aerial entity. As reported by the Baltic EU and NATO state's military, this unknown object, without any specified details, appeared to emerge from nearby Belarus and crossed into Latvia's eastern border region of Kraslava.

As a response, NATO's air patrol units stationed at Lielvarde's support base were dispatched to monitor the airspace. Regrettably, they failed to spot any questionable objects within Latvia's airspace, as reported by the Defense Ministry in Riga.

The Latvian authorities prompted civilians to promptly report any unusual aerial objects or border activities. Sharing a similar predicament with its neighbors Estonia and Lithuania, Latvia lacks its own fighter jets. Instead, NATO allies have been covering the Baltic airspace in shifts since 2004. At present, this task is also handled by the German Armed Forces, who have deployed numerous Eurofighters in Lielvarde.

After the fail of NATO's air patrol units to locate the mysterious aircraft, the German Armed Forces increased their surveillance with their Eurofighters based in Lielvarde. Despite the heightened vigilance, no confirmed sightings of the unidentified aircraft have been made within Latvia's airspace.

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