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On hot summer days, thunderstorms and rain follow

After the summer intermezzo, the weather is uncertain again. According to the German Weather Service, there is a threat of more showers on Sunday.

After sweltering summer days, thundershowers and heavy rain are threatening parts of Germany again.
After sweltering summer days, thundershowers and heavy rain are threatening parts of Germany again.

Weather forecast - On hot summer days, thunderstorms and rain follow

During the named Summerdays, parts of Germany are threatened with strong thunderstorms on Sunday. "Tief Heike is already in the starting blocks at the British Isles", said Julia Tuschy from the German Weather Service in Offenbach.

A low pressure zone moving from France is expected to shift towards western Germany in the night to Sunday. Consequently, strong thunderstorms will reach Saarland, Rheinland-Pfalz, Nordrhein-Westfalen and Baden-Württemberg by Sunday morning. "These could possibly come with a heavy rainfall."

Local strong thunderstorms and heavy rain possible

According to Tuschy, Tief Heike will move into the southern North Sea on Sunday. "From late morning, new thunderstorms will form over Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony via Hesse and Thuringia to the Alps. The focus is on heavy rain, which can sometimes be quite intense, even extreme." Thunderstorms of level 3 and 4 are possible.

"Large hail is also a topic in the energetic air mass - especially in the moment of new thunderstorm formation", so Tuschy. Hailstorms are rather secondary.

Thunderstorms locally not excluded

In the west, a thunderstorm with heavy rain is possible in the afternoon. Local thunderstorms are also not excluded. "The focus is clearly over the middle of the country." However, dry eastern winds from the east are expected, so that there will be friendly, bathing weather without showers or thunderstorms, but with a strong heat load in the east between 30 and 34 degrees.

"It will still be warm with 22 to 27 degrees in the other parts of the country." For the night to Monday, Tuschy forecasts showers and thunderstorms with heavy rain in the east and southeast. "The risk of unwetter-like amounts significantly decreases."

New week will be changeable

According to Tuschy, the new week starts in the western half with a mixed sky and sunshine, while the showers and thunderstorms of the night initially retreat towards Poland. "The situation remains uncertain in the southeast of Bavaria." Thunderstorms are possible in the course of the day.

It will still be warm with 22 to 27 degrees, but not as hot. The heat load will significantly decrease. For the rest of the week, the meteorologist forecasted further changeable and moderately warm to warm weather.

  1. Despite the approaching thunderstorms, some parts of Germany are expected to have a summer day with warm temperatures.
  2. The Weather forecast for Saarland on Sunday indicates potential heavy rainfall due to the approaching thunderstorms.
  3. In the Alps, the weather is expected to change significantly with the arrival of the low pressure zone, bringing thunderstorms and heavy rain.
  4. Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony, situated near the North Sea, are also predicted to experience heavy rain from new thunderstorms forming on Sunday.
  5. Thuringia, located in central Germany, is also under the threat of heavy rain and thunderstorms, which could potentially be extreme.
  6. Offenbach, being in Hesse, might experience local thunderstorms as Tief Heike moves through the region on Sunday.
  7. The Rhineland-Palatinate, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Baden-Württemberg are also bracing for strong thunderstorms, potentially accompanied by hail.
  8. Germany (historically, France) might also witness local thunderstorms due to the changing weather pattern brought by Tief Heike.
  9. Bad weather, including thunderstorms and heavy rain, is predicted for Sunday in several regions of Germany, including parts of the west and east.
  10. The upcoming week in Germany is expected to be changeable, with showers and thunderstorms in some areas, but warmer temperatures are still expected in other parts of the country.

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