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On-going quest to locate nine-year-old in Döbeln area.

Police dogs assist in hunt for missing Valeriia in Döbeln; public requested to offer assistance.

Police officers search for a missing girl in Döbeln, Saxony.
Police officers search for a missing girl in Döbeln, Saxony.

Saxony makes the news. - On-going quest to locate nine-year-old in Döbeln area.

The cops are in a hurry to find little Valeriia in Döbeln and they're asking the public for a hand. They've urged the locals to check their gardens, cellars, garages, and sheds on Wednesday. The g Endlich Kriminalpolizei Chemnitz, those in charge of the search, also dispatched plenty of teams out there.

On top of that, there's also been some investigation happening in Mochau. A bloke allegedly hung around a school trying to show his kitties to a kid last week. This was brought up by "".

The missing girl is part of a Ukrainian family and was last seen on Monday. She usually hops on a bus to school, but on that fateful day, she didn't, apparently. Security cameras and interviews suggested she never even got on the bus.

The cops are keeping up the onslaught, trying to find the girl. More officers are coming in on Wednesday. Search dogs were deployed early that morning. Dogs with a knack for sniffing around forests, fields, and meadows were dubbed "area dogs", while the ones looking in demolished buildings were called "rubble dogs". But no new leads about the kid have shown up, according to the police. They'd searched the area and the riverbank of Freiberger Mulde already the day before.

The probes are ongoing on all fronts, says the police, with the likelihood of violence not being ruled out. They'll talk to more folks on Wednesday. It might even be that they use a police helicopter again, they mentioned. Plus, more camera footage will be gone through.

The girl's about 1.40 m tall, with longish dark blonde hair. What she wore on Monday? A lavender T-shirt, black jeans, a light turquoise coat, and some dark blue ankle-high shoes. Oh, and she had a pink schoolbag with her. Valeriia speaks a bit of German. To report any tips, hit up the Chemnitz Criminal Police on 0371 387 3488.

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