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Olaf Scholz and his wife celebrate their silver wedding anniversary

In the middle of the budget hole stress

Olaf Scholz and his wife Britta Ernst (here in 2002) have now been married for 25
Olaf Scholz and his wife Britta Ernst (here in 2002) have now been married for 25

Olaf Scholz and his wife celebrate their silver wedding anniversary

Because Finance Minister Lindner has to go to Brussels, there is now a break in the tough negotiations over the billion-euro hole in the budget. And Chancellor Scholz is using this break for an important private appointment: he and his wife Britta are celebrating their silver wedding anniversary.

In the middle of the tough budget negotiations and just before a difficult SPD party conference, Chancellor Olaf Scholz has a rather important private appointment: The head of government is celebrating his silver wedding anniversary with his wife Britta Ernst in the evening in a "very private circle". The two have now been married for exactly 25 years.

The couple will benefit from the fact that there is now a break in the marathon negotiations about the 17 billion euro hole in the 2024 federal budget because Finance Minister Christian Lindner is flying to an EU meeting in Brussels in the early afternoon. On Friday, Scholz is expected to attend the SPD party conference, where he will give his speech on Saturday. "The love for my wife is the most important thing in my life," the Chancellor told Bild am Sonntag back in February with a view to the anniversary.

And at a "Rheinische Post" event in March, he said: "I believe that I would be a completely different person if I wasn't married to Britta Ernst." When asked what kind of person he would be then, he replied: "Neither you nor I want to know." Like Scholz, 62-year-old Britta Ernst is an SPD politician and was Minister of Education in Brandenburg until a few months ago.

She resigned in mid-April due to a lack of support for her policies from within her own ranks. Since then, the two have appeared in public together more frequently. Ernst has now also accompanied the Chancellor on two trips abroad. In May, she attended the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan, and the subsequent trip to South Korea. In September, she traveled with Scholz to the UN General Assembly in New York.

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