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Official Wants to Simplify Expelings Post-Glorification of Terroristic Actions

Predominantly on digital platforms, the prevalence of connections is notable.

Faeser wants to facilitate deportations after terror glorification
Faeser wants to facilitate deportations after terror glorification

Official Wants to Simplify Expelings Post-Glorification of Terroristic Actions

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser plans to expedite the removal of foreigners who endorse terrorist activities, as stated by government sources to AFP. A mere endorsement or approval of terrorism acts on social media could potentially result in expulsion, per these sources. The cabinet is scheduled to approve this bill during its meeting on Wednesday.

Faeser's department's response to harmful online content comes in the wake of internet posts promoting hate after the Hamas attack on Israel or the fatal stabbing of a police officer in Mannheim, according to government sources. Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced the proposed legislation enhancement following the Mannheim attack, as stated in an official government release.

Government sources pointed out that "Islamists have expressed approval, welcomed, and glorified such terrorist acts in online communities." "These online odes to terrorism foster a climate of violence, encouraging extremists and perpetrators to commit more violent acts." Consequently, "The safety of Germany is being weighed against the residents' rights of the perpetrators."

Notably, the draft legislation doesn't necessitate a court-ordered conviction for expulsion and deportation. Also, a new "significant expulsion interest case group" is proposed to be set up within the Interior Ministry.

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