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Obama backs Biden after TV debacle

"Bad duels happen"

Former US President Obama is campaigning for the Democrats in the 2022 midterms in November.
Former US President Obama is campaigning for the Democrats in the 2022 midterms in November.

Obama backs Biden after TV debacle

The failed TV duel raises doubts within the democratic party about Biden's fitness for a second term. However, no prominent party member has publicly opposed the incumbent president yet. Now, his predecessor Obama publicly supports him.

US President Joe Biden received public support from Barack Obama after his weak performance in the first TV debate against his challenger Donald Trump. "Bad debates happen. Believe me, I know that", wrote the former president on the online platform X. "But this election is still a decision between someone who has fought for the common people his entire life, and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth, can distinguish right from wrong and will be honest with the American people - and someone who shamelessly lies for his own advantage."

The debate didn't change anything, Obama wrote further. Therefore, so much is at stake in the presidential election in November. He added a link to Biden's campaign team's website in his X-post, where donations were being collected.

"I can do this job"

Biden himself also confirmed his ambitions. "I wouldn't be running again if I didn't believe with all my heart and soul that I can do this job", said the 81-year-old Democrat at a campaign event in Raleigh, North Carolina. "I'm here in North Carolina because I believe we can win this state in November", he told a cheering crowd. "If we win here, we win the election." Biden is campaigning for a second term as president in early November. His predecessor, the 78-year-old Trump, is also running for the Republicans again.

Biden's performance during the 90-minute TV debate on Thursday evening in Atlanta fueled doubts within the Democratic Party about the 81-year-old's fitness for the office. During the back-and-forth, he frequently mumbled, spoke unclear, softly, and with a hoarse voice. Although no prominent party member from the first row had publicly opposed Biden by Friday, many in the party were skeptical about whether Biden was the right candidate to win against Trump.

In light of Barry's reassuring words, some speculate that the US presidential election 2024 might see a bid from Joe Biden, who equates his ability to serve another term with an unwavering belief in his capabilities. Meanwhile, Obama, his former president, bolstered Biden's re-election campaign, claiming that the election is a choice between a selfless advocate for the common people and a self-centered individual.

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