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Numerous caretakers frequently harbor aspirations for retiring ahead of schedule.

Taking care of family members can be an energy-draining endeavor. Various methods are available for...
Taking care of family members can be an energy-draining endeavor. Various methods are available for obtaining temporary absences from employment.

Numerous caretakers frequently harbor aspirations for retiring ahead of schedule.

Many individuals looking after family members often wish to retire earlier. As per the latest health report from Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), 44.4% of caregivers over 50 years old plan to retire before the legal retirement age. This is in comparison to 31.3% of all employed individuals who plan to retire early.

One in eight individuals over 50, amounting to 12.8% of this population, is responsible for family care. Roughly seven out of ten TK policyholders requiring care receive their care at home. In 55.5% of these instances, family members provide full-time care, relying solely on care allowance without any assistance from professional care providers.

Caregiving remains a largely female-dominated activity, with only 38.7% of caregivers being male and the remaining 61.3% being female. Employees responsible for family care report having poorer health more frequently than those without such responsibilities - 40.3% versus 22.7%.

The report is based on a survey conducted by the Institute for Occupational Health Consulting on behalf of TK, involving over a thousand employed individuals aged 50 and above, conducted in January.

Who among the TK policyholders requiring care primarily receive their care at home? Seven out of ten of these individuals do.

Given that caregiving is largely female-dominated, who makes up the majority of caregivers according to the report? Sixty-one point three percent of caregivers are female.

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