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Number of divorces falls to all-time low

Divorces at a historic low: In 2023, the number of divorces in Germany fell to its lowest level since 1990. Experts also see this as an indication of improved relationships.

Marriages have improved considerably in the last twenty years, says psychotherapist Wolfgang Krüger...
Marriages have improved considerably in the last twenty years, says psychotherapist Wolfgang Krüger from Berlin.

Society - Number of divorces falls to all-time low

The number of divorces in Germany has once again decreased in the past year. Approximately 129,000 marriages were legally dissolved in 2023, which is 6.1% fewer than in the previous year, according to the Federal Statistical Office. This represents the lowest number since German reunification in 1990 and the second-lowest number since 1950.

On average, couples who divorced in 2023 had been married for slightly less time than those who divorced in 2022. The divorced couples in 2023 had been married for 14 years and 9 months, compared to 15 years and some months in 2022.

"Marriages have significantly improved in reality"

For Berlin psychotherapist Wolfgang Krüger, however, this does not represent a significant trend shift. "We have observed that marriages have significantly improved in the last 20 years," he told the German Press Agency.

He attributes this improvement to several factors. People now marry more often when they are truly in love and believe the marriage will succeed. "We used to have a certain quality selection in marriage," Krüger explained. In contrast to the 1960s and 1970s, people no longer have to marry for financial reasons or due to social pressure.

Improved crisis communication also plays a significant role in longer-lasting marriages. Many people now know more about how to communicate with each other and resolve conflicts. "People know more and more about how marriages really work," said Krüger.

External circumstances are also a factor. "We live in difficult times, where we experience deep insecurities. And then we want a place where we feel secure, where we have the feeling that 'the other is with me,'" Krüger added. This place is still love and, for many, ultimately also marriage.

Difficult times like the Corona pandemic have had little impact on the number of divorces: "The Corona pandemic has not influenced this development," explained the statisticians.

More than 100,000 children were affected by the divorces

According to the Federal Statistical Office, more than half of the approximately 129,000 separated couples had minor children. "Approximately 109,600 minors were affected by the divorce of their parents in 2023," the statistics show.

The statistics also reveal that some couples still decide to separate later in life: Approximately 17% of the divorced were at least 25 years old. In comparison, 18% of those divorced in 2022 were in this age group, and only about 10% of those divorced in 1997 were divorced in the year of their silver wedding anniversary or later.

A small fraction of the divorces in 2023 involved same-sex couples - 1,300 in total. This represents about 200 or 15% more than in the previous year. Since the introduction of the "marriage for all" in October 2017, no new civil partnerships can be registered in Germany.

Couples living in a previously registered civil partnership can no longer end it through divorce but through dissolution. In 2023, approximately 700 civil partnerships were dissolved, which is about 200 or 19.4% fewer than in the previous year. This number has been declining for the fourth year in a row.

The number of marriages also decreased in 2023, after it had significantly increased the previous year. Approximately 360,000 marriages were reportedly carried out, compared to over 390,000 in the previous year. In 2021, the number of marriages had fallen to around 357,000 due to coronavirus restrictions.

  1. According to Destatis, the number of divorces in Germany decreased significantly in 2023, reaching its lowest point since German reunification in 1990.
  2. In Berlin, psychotherapist Wolfgang Krüger noted an improvement in marriages over the past 20 years, thanks to factors like love, improved communication, and reduced social pressure.
  3. Krüger also highlighted that people now marry when they truly love each other and believe in the marriage's success, leading to longer-lasting unions.
  4. Society's emphasis on love and mutual respect has played a role in the decline of divorces and the improvement of marriages, contributing to a healthier family environment.
  5. Despite the Coronavirus pandemic, the statistics show that the number of divorces has remained relatively stable, with minor changes in the average length of marriages.
  6. Over 100,000 children in Germany were impacted by the divorces in 2023, with more than half of the separated couples having minor children.
  7. The statistics also revealed that the age at which people decide to divorce has increased slightly, with 17% of the divorced being at least 25 years old.
  8. The number of same-sex divorces saw a small increase in 2023, with a total of 1,300 divorces, citing social acceptance and the legalization of same-sex marriage as contributing factors.

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