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Number of balcony power plants in Germany has reached a new record high

From April to June

The number of balcony power plants in Germany is growing ever faster. (archive picture)
The number of balcony power plants in Germany is growing ever faster. (archive picture)

Number of balcony power plants in Germany has reached a new record high

The number of balcony power plants in Germany has reached a new record value: From April to June, 152,000 so-called plug-and-play solar systems were connected to the grid, which is 52% more than in the previous record period, the second quarter of 2023, as the Federal Association of the Solar Industry (BSW) announced, referring to data from the Federal Network Agency. A decision of the Bundestag expected on Thursday evening is expected to provide an additional boost.

According to BSW, there are around 563,000 plug-and-play solar systems registered at the Federal Network Agency. However, the actual numbers may be even higher, as there is a several-week registration deadline and some systems are not registered at all, explained the association.

The industry expects a boost for balcony power plants from the expected decision of the Bundestag on the change of the Rent Law and the Apartment Ownership Act. Currently, tenants and tenants need the landlord's permission to install a plug-and-play solar system. In some cases, property owners also need the approval of the property owners' association. The project can be rejected without valid reasons.

In the future, tenants and property owners are to have a fundamental right to a plug-and-play solar system. The balcony power plants are to be considered a privileged measure and not easily denied. Similar regulations already apply to barrier-free conversions, burglar protection, or for charging stations for electric cars.

Landlords and property owners' associations may still intervene in the question of how the systems are installed. However, the question of whether the system may be built at all would be settled fundamentally.

  1. The record value of 152,000 balcony power plants connected to the grid in Germany from April to June was achieved by an increase of 52% compared to the previous record period, which was from April to June in 2023.
  2. The expected decision of the Bundestag on the change of the Rent Law and the Apartment Ownership Act in Germany is anticipated to result in a significant number of additional balcony power plants being installed, potentially surpassing the record value set in the second quarter of 2023.
  3. The number of balcony power plants installed in Germany could potentially see another increase, as the Bundestag's decision may establish a fundamental right for tenants and property owners to install these systems, which are currently often subject to landlord or property owners' association approval.

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