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NRW-Police should in the future name the nationality of suspects

Media Order

According to Recklinghausen Police Headquarters, discriminatory and degrading content were spread...
According to Recklinghausen Police Headquarters, discriminatory and degrading content were spread in the chats.

NRW-Police should in the future name the nationality of suspects

The suspect's nationality should be named by North Rhine-Westphalia police officers in future statements to the media. The media directive for the police will be revised accordingly, confirmed the Düsseldorf Interior Ministry in response to corresponding media reports.

Principally, this instruction will apply to all crimes where the suspect is clearly identified. If the responsible public prosecutor comes to the conclusion in an individual case that the nationality should not be named in the media, this will be respected.

The new regulation should create transparency, explained the ministry. "Furthermore, the police in North Rhine-Westphalia want to counter speculation and the allegation that they are hiding something."

So far, the press and public relations work of the North Rhine-Westphalia police has largely followed the code of the German Press Council since 2011. According to this, the nationality or origin of perpetrators or suspects should only be named if the legitimate interest of the public outweighs the protected interests of the affected person.

However, there are increasingly frequent journalistic inquiries about the nationality in the context of criminal offenses, said a spokesperson. A new version of the directive is necessary. Critics of the naming of nationalities fear that this could provide ammunition for racist incitement. Supporters, on the other hand, argue that only transparency can dispel speculation and false allegations.

The North Rhine-Westphalia police will now publicly declare the suspect's nationality in future statements, as per the revised Media Decree instated by the Interior Ministry. Critics argue that disclosing the suspect's nationality could potentially fuel racist sentiments, but proponents believe it promotes transparency and helps combat misconceptions.

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