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NRW and US university: Cooperating on future technologies

Quantum technologies can significantly change the economy and society in the future. NRW and a university in California are exploring various collaborations.

Quantum computing 'made in NRW' is internationally top-ranking according to Science Minister Ina...
Quantum computing 'made in NRW' is internationally top-ranking according to Science Minister Ina Brandes (archive image)

Quantum Technologies - NRW and US university: Cooperating on future technologies

At so-called quantum technologies, North Rhine-Westphalia and the University of Berkeley in California aim to collaborate in various ways. This was agreed upon in a joint declaration by representatives from politics and science in North Rhine-Westfalen during a visit to the US university, as reported by the NRW Ministry of Science in Düsseldorf.

According to the Federal Research Ministry, quantum technologies will significantly change the economy and society in the future.

The applicability of quantum technologies is still at the beginning, with the foundations coming from universities, said Manfred Bayer, Rector of the University of Dortmund, according to a statement from Düsseldorf. Both sides could benefit, with progress driven by international exchange. Planned therefore are collaborations in research projects, as well as the organization of joint conferences and seminars.

Basis for modern technology

Germany, according to the Federal Research Ministry, is one of the leaders in this future-oriented field. Partially, quantum effects are already being used: They form the basis for modern technology such as microchips, broadband internet, or satellite navigation – as first-generation quantum technologies. However, there is still a lot of potential for completely new technical solutions – and thus second-generation quantum technologies, explained the Federal Ministry. Applications could be much more precise measuring devices, higher security in data communication, or significantly more powerful computers.

North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister of Science Ina Brandes emphasized: "Computing power will be the decisive key in the future to master the great challenges of humanity." This applies to the fight against diseases, the mobility sector, or resource-saving use of energy. Quantum computing "made in NRW" is internationally at the forefront, said the CDU politician after returning from the US, according to the Ministry.

  1. The University of Berkeley in California and North Rhine-Westphalia are planning collaborations in research projects and organizing joint conferences and seminars, as stated by the NRW Ministry of Science in Düsseldorf.
  2. Quantum technologies are expected to significantly change the economy and society in the future, according to the Federal Research Ministry.
  3. Germany, as mentioned by the Federal Research Ministry, is one of the leaders in the field of first-generation quantum technologies, which form the basis for modern technology such as microchips, broadband internet, and satellite navigation.
  4. North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister of Science Ina Brandes highlighted the importance of computing power in the future, stating that it will be crucial in addressing major human challenges like fighting diseases, improving the mobility sector, and using energy efficiently.
  5. The potential for completely new technical solutions through second-generation quantum technologies, such as more precise measuring devices, enhanced data security, and significantly more powerful computers, is significant, according to the Federal Ministry.

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