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Now "Weimar Room" at the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation

The Klassik Stiftung Weimar is reaching out to Berlin. In future, the cultural institution wants to present itself in the capital with thematic focuses.

The State Library is the first stop for the new presence.
The State Library is the first stop for the new presence.

Presence in Berlin - Now "Weimar Room" at the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation

The Classik Foundation Weimar will be present in the capital in the future. A "Weimar Room" is said to represent the focus areas of the second largest cultural foundation at the main cultural institutions of the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin. For this purpose, a constantly changing communication object will be used at various locations of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation in Berlin in the coming years.

Info about "Bauhaus and National Socialism"

To begin with, the infinitely expandable modular construction system is installed in the State Library at the Unter den Linden location. Here, information is provided about the exhibition "Bauhaus and National Socialism," which can still be seen at the Museum Neues Weimar, Bauhaus Museum, and Schiller-Museum in Weimar until September 15.

Thuringia's Minister-President Bodo Ramelow (Left) called the "Weimar Room" in a statement a symbolic milestone for cultural exchange and "a visible link between the Federal Government and the State, a window and telescope at the same time." Ulrike Lorenz, President of the Classik Foundation Weimar, spoke of a long-cherished wish of the foundation. "We want to make our work in Berlin better known and to win over the Berlin public for Weimar."


  1. The Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation in Berlin is set to feature a "Weimar Room" as part of their main cultural institutions, showcasing the focus areas of the Classik Foundation Weimar.
  2. The exhibition "Bauhaus and National Socialism" is currently running at the Museum Neues Weimar, Bauhaus Museum, and Schiller-Museum in Weimar, providing insight into the complex relationship between Bauhaus and the Nazi regime.
  3. The installation of an infinitely expandable modular construction system is a part of this exhibition, which is also scheduled to appear at the State Library at Unter den Linden in Berlin.
  4. Bodo Ramelow, Thuringia's Minister-President, considers the "Weimar Room" as a symbolic milestone for cultural exchange, representing a connection between the Federal Government and the State.
  5. The Classik Foundation Weimar, led by President Ulrike Lorenz, hopes to leverage this opportunity to increase their visibility in Berlin and to engage the local public with Weimar's cultural offerings.
  6. Foundations like the Classik Foundation Weimar and the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation play a vital role in preserving Germany's cultural heritage, including the legacy of the Bauhaus movement in Thuringia.

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