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North Korea threatens South Korea and the USA with expanding its nuclear capabilities

Response to Guideline

North Korea threatens South Korea and the USA with escalation of its nuclear capability
North Korea threatens South Korea and the USA with escalation of its nuclear capability

North Korea threatens South Korea and the USA with expanding its nuclear capabilities

North Korea threatened South Korea and the USA with an expansion of its nuclear deterrent capabilities. In response to this declaration, the Defense Ministry in Pyongyang stated on Saturday regarding the Seoul-Washington agreement to establish common guidelines for nuclear deterrence in the face of North Korea's growing nuclear arsenal.

US President Joe Biden and his South Korean counterpart Yoon Suk Yeol authorized the guideline on Thursday on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington, which high-ranking defense policymakers of the USA and South Korea had signed earlier. The agreement on common guidelines preceded the establishment of a consultation body a year ago, which was intended to promote information exchange in case of possible nuclear operations. This also included the question of how US nuclear weapons and South Korea's conventional weapons could be integrated in emergency situations.

North Korea's Defense Ministry saw the US-South Korean nuclear deterrence guidelines as a "sinister intention to prepare for a nuclear war" against North Korea. The escalating nuclear threats from the enemies compel North Korea to urgently improve its nuclear deterrence capabilities and "add important elements to the deterrence." The USA and South Korea "would have to pay an unimaginable price" if they did not stop their provocative activities, threatened the Defense Ministry in Pyongyang.

  1. Despite North Korea's assertion that the United States and South Korea's shared nuclear deterrence guidelines are a prelude to war, the Defense Ministry in Pyongyang feels it is necessary to strengthen its own battle strength in reaction.
  2. In response to the potential integration of US nuclear weapons and South Korea's conventional weapons in emergency situations, as per the agreed-upon guidelines, North Korea has vowed expansion of its nuclear deterrent capabilities as a means of guidance.
  3. The United States of America and South Korea must be aware of the severe consequences, as North Korea has threatened, if they persist in their expansion of nuclear capabilities and provocative activities, challenging North Korea's "sovereignty and security."

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