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North Korea Spreads Trash in Seoul via Flying Balloons

Approximately 100 individuals arrived in South Korea

Garbage from a balloon sent by North Korea in the South Korean port city of Incheon earlier this...
Garbage from a balloon sent by North Korea in the South Korean port city of Incheon earlier this month.

North Korea Spreads Trash in Seoul via Flying Balloons

Over the past few weeks, North Korea has been launching over a thousand garbage-filled balloons across the border into South Korea. As per South Korea's assertions, North Korea is releasing even more balloons now, with around 350 balloons being sent on Monday evening according to the South Korean military. Around 100 balloons are said to have landed in South Korea, primarily in the northern province of Gyeonggi and in the capital Seoul.

The bags attached to the balloons are reported to contain mostly paper waste, as stated by the military. There is no danger to the population. South Korea's President, Yoon Suk Yeol, described it as a "disgusting and senseless provocation." North Korea has previously sent over 1000 balloons filled with trash into South Korea in the past few weeks.

The contents of the broadcasts included weapons such as cigarette butts and toilet paper. North Korea claims this action is in response to balloons from South Korean activists carrying anti-Kim Jong Un propaganda and money for the impoverished North.

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