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North Korea launches trash-filled balloons into South Korea once more.

South Korean activists persist in launching large balloons carrying propaganda to North Korea. In response, North Korea is taking action.

North Korea has apparently once again sent balloons with plastic bags full of garbage to South...
North Korea has apparently once again sent balloons with plastic bags full of garbage to South Korea.

Disputes or clashes between parties. - North Korea launches trash-filled balloons into South Korea once more.

Recently, South Korea claimed that North Korea launched hundreds of balloons carrying bags full of household waste over the heavily militarized border between the two nations. The South Korean military in Seoul reported that around 330 "trash balloons" were set off by North Korea between Saturday and Sunday local time. Over 80 of these balloons made their way to South Korean terrain, while the fate of the remaining balloons is unclear.

Within the bags, items such as old paper and plastic were found. Initial investigations found no evidence of dangerous substances, but the public was still advised to stay away from the discarded objects.

This action from North Korea is believed to be a reaction to similar activities by South Korean organizations, who frequently send thousands of pamphlets and propaganda materials with large balloons across the border. These pamphlets contain criticisms of North Korea's authoritarian leadership. The leaflet campaigns organized by South Korean activists have been a topic of debate in South Korea.

North Korea is known to be sensitive to external propaganda. According to South Korean media, two separate groups conducted such leaflet campaigns on Thursday and Friday. North Korea has accused the government in Seoul of supporting these balloon-launching activities by private groups. In response to these incidents, North Korea has sent over a thousand balloons filled with waste products, and sometimes human feces, towards South Korea since late May.

In response to the increased tensions on the Korean Peninsula, the South Korean government has suspended a 2018 agreement with North Korea that focused on trust-building measures at the border. This move has allowed for the resumption of military exercises near the military demarcation line as well as possible propaganda broadcasts towards the north.

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