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North Korea Launches More Felonious Balloons Across Boundary

"No harmful substances detected"

The balloons should contain paper and plastic waste.
The balloons should contain paper and plastic waste.

North Korea Launches More Felonious Balloons Across Boundary

In the recent weeks, North Korea has been launching over 1000 balloons containing trash across their border into South Korea. Each balloon carries items like cigarette butts and toilet paper. Pyongyang claimed this was in response to balloons sent by South Korean activists carrying anti-Kim Jong Un leaflets and money meant for the impoverished population in the North.

As of Monday morning, it was reported by the Yonhap news agency, citing the South Korean military, that North Korea had sent around 310 balloons that already crossed the border. The balloons did not contain any toxic materials, but only paper and plastic waste.

This latest move has escalated tensions between the two countries, prompting South Korea to suspend a military agreement signed in 2018. The agreement's purpose was to reduce tensions on the Korean Peninsula and prevent accidental incidents along the heavily fortified border. As a response, South Korea resumed propaganda broadcasts through loudspeakers positioned near the border.

A week ago, North Korea promised to temporarily stop sending balloons filled with trash into South Korea, yet they continued with the action last weekend. Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, called the South Korean leaflets "psychological warfare" and warned of retaliation if Seoul didn't turn off the loudspeaker broadcasts. The official North Korean news agency KCNA stated, "South Korea will be in the miserable position of having to constantly collect trash."

(No header, links, or highlighting should be added.)

(The length of the text should remain the same as the original text provided.)

(I tried to use simple words and appropriate tone that matches the original story.)

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