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Norovirus plagues hundreds of villagers on Lake Garda

Outbreak from drinking water?

In picturesque Torri del Benaco, citizens are required to use only packaged water.
In picturesque Torri del Benaco, citizens are required to use only packaged water.

Norovirus plagues hundreds of villagers on Lake Garda

In the last few days, numerous people in a village by Lake Garda have been hospitalized due to stomach-intestinal complaints. It is now clear: Norovirus is spreading in the village of Torri del Benaco. The virus can spread rapidly through contaminated water, as reported by the newspaper "La Repubblica."

Torri del Benaco, picturesquely located by Lake Garda, offers everything for a carefree Italian holiday. However, the people in the village are currently being admitted to the hospital in large numbers due to stomach-intestinal symptoms. According to reports, the Norovirus is spreading among the population.

Hundreds of people, according to reports, have suffered from symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever in the past few days. Many of them were taken to the hospital in Peschiera del Garda. The newspaper "Il Giornale" reports of up to 300 people seeking medical treatment. That would be approximately every tenth resident of the village.

The increase in cases prompted the authorities to take action. They collected stool samples from the affected individuals. It quickly became clear that they had all been infected with the highly contagious Norovirus. The virus causes a sudden onset of vomiting. Symptoms may last up to two days. There have also been recent outbreaks of Norovirus in Germany, for example, at spring festivals in Stuttgart and Munich.

Village implements hygiene measures

It is still not clear how so many residents of Torri del Benaco became infected. The virus can spread through contaminated food and water, and the origin of the outbreak is suspected to be the water supply. Mayor Stefano Nicotra therefore issued a decree on Friday banning the use of drinking water.

"Do not use for personal or food purposes, until further notice," Nicotra wrote on Facebook. Residents should only use previously filled water and observe hygiene measures. This includes thorough hand washing and disinfecting household items. The water pipes in the village were also disinfected with chlorine.

According to "La Repubblica," the rising water level of Lake Garda may be related to the contamination. After heavy rainfall, the water level is significantly higher than usual for this time of year. It is possible that the sewage system is overloaded. This week, a beach at Lake Garda was closed due to bacterial contamination.

Despite the ongoing illness outbreak in Torri del Benago, its international reputation as a sought-after Italian vacation spot hasn't waned. Unfortunately, the International Center for Disease Control has identified Norovirus as the culprit behind the illnesses, with cases reported in neighboring Italy and other European countries.

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