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No significant support for a coalition between CDU, BSW, and SPD.

In the aftermath, Björn Höcke emerges as the Triumphant Candidate and Mario Voigt as the...
In the aftermath, Björn Höcke emerges as the Triumphant Candidate and Mario Voigt as the Second-Place Finisher; Thuringia encounters intricate negotiations for its administrative setup.

No significant support for a coalition between CDU, BSW, and SPD.

A potential coalition in Erfurt's government is under construction: The CDU, BSW, and SPD are joining forces, but they won't garner a majority. Based on the preliminary outcomes revealed by Erfurt's state election commission in the evening, these three parties will occupy 44 out of 88 seats in the newly established state parliament, falling short of the necessary majority by one seat. The AfD has emerged victorious in the elections, with 32 seats in the parliament.

For the first time in a state election in Germany, the AfD has amassed the most votes. The party, led by their top candidate Björn Höcke, reported a resounding 32.8%, as stated on the state election commission's website. This placed them comfortably ahead of the CDU, which managed just 23.6%. In third place came the newly debuted partnership of Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), achieving 15.8% and pushing the Left party (13.1%) into fourth position.

Although the SPD also managed to secure entry into the state parliament with 6.1%, the Greens failed to meet the 3.2% threshold required. The voter turnout registered a notable increase to 73.6%.

Thuringia's incumbent Minister President Bodo Ramelow (Left) has vowed to aid CDU state chairman Mario Voigt in establishing a majority government within Erfurt's state parliament. "I prioritize ensuring a functioning state government, even though I will no longer be part of it," asserted Ramelow in an interview with TV channel Phoenix. "It's crucial for me to back the individual with a voter mandate to form a majority government within the democratic spectrum," he elaborated. "I'm not opposing the BSW or the CDU. I'm battling against the normalization of fascism." Consequently, Ramelow aims to prevent a situation wherein the AfD exerts influence over all other parties.

Having secured a direct mandate, Ramelow will also be a part of the new state parliament. To date, the CDU has flatly rejected any collaboration with the Left.

The Union, referring to the CDU, BSW, and SPD alliance, is aiming to form a government in Erfurt but lacks the necessary majority. However, Thuringia's incumbent Minister President Bodo Ramelow from The Left party is willing to assist in establishing a majority government, despite not being part of it, to prevent the AfD from exerting influence.

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