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No prospect of a stable government in France

The political situation in France is in complete disarray. There are no signs of a majority capable of governing before the final round of the parliamentary elections.

France is struggling to find government options ahead of the election.
France is struggling to find government options ahead of the election.

Parliamentary election - No prospect of a stable government in France

In the upcoming Sunday's decisive round of the French parliamentary elections, there is little chance of a stable government so far. Premier Minister Elisabeth Borne urged once again for a "diverse National Assembly, where various political forces are represented." However, preventing the absolute majority of the right-wing Rassemblement National is a must, she stated during a campaign appearance.

In numerous constituencies, voting against right-wing candidates means giving one's vote to a political competitor who has better chances than the candidate from one's own camp. This doesn't mean supporting the political aspirations of the competitor, for instance, if centrist supporters of President Emmanuel Macron vote for left-wing candidates to obstruct the extreme right.

According to reports, there will be over 210 of the 577 constituencies for the second round of the elections with tactical alliances. This means that third-placed candidates from the left or the government camp will withdraw their candidacy to enable the other to win against the right. Based on a preliminary count by the newspaper "Le Parisien," it's about 215 constituencies. 76 of the 577 parliamentary seats were already given directly in the first round.

Left-wing politician rules out cooperation with Macron camp

The campaign coordinator of the Left Party, Manuel Bompard, ruled out any government cooperation between his party and the Macron camp in an interview with BFMTV. "Our representatives will only govern to implement their program, exclusively their program."

"I will not participate in any government that does not restore fiscal fairness and does not implement a redistribution policy other than the one introduced by Gabriel Attal and Emmanuel Macron themselves," said the left-wing party functionary.

Le Pen confirms government claim

The leader of the right-wing Rassemblement National, Marine Le Pen, confirmed her intention to form a government with an absolute majority. "We want to govern so things are clear," she told France Inter. Whether the right will indeed achieve an absolute majority remains to be seen.

In the first round of the parliamentary elections over the weekend, the Rassemblement National was the strongest force, followed by the new left-wing alliance and the centrist camp of President Macron. However, the composition of the National Assembly will only be decided in the decisive second round on the coming Sunday.

BFMTV report with video sequence Attal + Bompard's statements Live Ticker Le Parisien with info on constituencies

  1. Left-wing politician Manuel Bompard, from the Left Party, expressed his refusal to cooperate with the Macron camp in a recent interview on BFM TV.
  2. During the campaign for the upcoming parliamentary election's final round on Sunday, Premier Minister Elisabeth Borne emphasized the importance of preventing the Rassemblement National from securing an absolute majority.
  3. The campaign coordinator of the Left Party, Manuel Bompard, stated that their representatives will govern exclusively to implement their own program, rejecting any potential cooperation with the Macron camp.
  4. Reports suggest that there will be over 210 constituencies with tactical alliances in the second round of the French parliamentary elections, with a preliminary count of approximately 215 constituencies by "Le Parisien".
  5. The leader of the right-wing Rassemblement National, Marine Le Pen, has confirmed her intentions to form a government with an absolute majority, according to a France Inter interview.
  6. In the first round of Parisian parliamentary elections, the Rassemblement National emerged as the strongest force, with the new left-wing alliance and President Macron's centrist camp following closely behind.
  7. On the day of the decisive second round of the French parliamentary elections on Sunday, various news outlets, like BFMTV and "Le Parisien", will provide updates and live coverage, including video sequences and constituency information.

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