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No investigation procedure for fire in refugee home

After the fire in a refugee shelter, the prosecutor's office does not initiate an investigation. It is clearly evident that the Ethiopian caused the explosion.

No autopsy after explosion in Buchholz.
No autopsy after explosion in Buchholz.

explosion - No investigation procedure for fire in refugee home

After the devastating fire in the refugee shelter in Buchholz in Nordheide, the deceased man was not autopsied and there is no investigation. The Stade Prosecutor's Office has closed the case. "It has clearly emerged that the man was the culprit," said a spokesperson, looking at the man who had lost his life. The identity of the 28-year-old man from Ethiopia was also clear. It was determined that the resident of the container village had died due to his own negligence. The body was released.

The woman stated that the man had come to Germany in 2018. He had a residence permit due to the danger situation in his home country of Eritrea. However, his nationality was listed as Ethiopian.

Regarding the explosion that occurred on Monday, in which a police officer was seriously injured and 19 other people sustained injuries, the prosecutor made no statements. A interrogation of the roommate in the two-person room yielded little, according to a police spokesperson. The witness had only lived with the Ethiopian man for a short time.

The crime scene was released, no further traces were secured, and no expert report was requested. However, the spokesperson warned that the area was too dangerous to enter. The damage amounted to approximately 250,000 Euro.

The 44-year-old police officer remains in intensive care at the hospital with severe burns. Due to indications of a fire hazard in the shelter for approximately 100 people in the Landkreis Harburg, two police officers and two employees of the shelter had entered a container. Suddenly, there was an explosion. According to the fire department, a fire broke out in the ground floor of the two-story building. The shelter with 48 containers caught fire in its entirety.

  1. The fire incident in the refugee home in Buchholz in the Nordheide, Lower Saxony, resulted in significant damage, estimated to be around 250,000 Euro.
  2. Despite the explosive incident in Buchholz on Monday, which injured a police officer and 19 others, the Public Prosecutor's Office in Stade has not provided any statements regarding investigative proceedings.
  3. The refugee shelter in Buchholz was evacuated following the fire incident, with the aim of providing emergency accommodation to the affected individuals.
  4. The Ethiopian man who lost his life in the fire was a resident of the container village in Buchholz, and his death was ruled as a result of his own negligence.
  5. The refugee shelter in Buchholz, where the fire occurred, had a high number of residents, approximately 100 people, and it was determined by authorities to have a fire hazard.
  6. The woman who stated that the Ethiopian man had come to Germany in 2018 mentioned that he had a residence permit due to the danger situation in his home country, Eritrea, but his nationality was officially listed as Ethiopian.

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