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Nine-year-old Valeriia's killer arrested.

Cops detain individual in Prague.

Arrest after killing nine-year-old Valeriia
Arrest after killing nine-year-old Valeriia

Nine-year-old Valeriia's killer arrested.

Last week, nine-year-old Valeria failed to show up at school. A massive search operation ensued. Disturbingly, her body was discovered in a forest near Dobeln. Now, authorities have apprehended a suspect in connection with the tragic event.

In relation to the murder of Valeria from Dobeln, a 36-year-old man has been detained in Prague. He is presently viewed as the main culprit in the young girl's killing, as revealed by the Prosecutor's Office in Chemnitz.

On the day in question, Valeria left for school in the morning as usual. However, she never showed up in class. Consequently, her absence wasn't reported until afternoon, when she failed to return home. Following this, a thorough search began. Tragically, law enforcement later unearthed the body of the nine-year-old girl in a remote woodland area near Dobeln on Tuesday, concealed beneath dense foliage. Recently, the Prosecutor's Office disclosed ongoing investigations into Valeria's "social circle."

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