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Nine police officers injured around European Championship match in Munich

Soccer fans celebrate exuberantly at the European Championship match between Serbia and Denmark in Munich. People set off pyrotechnics at a subway station. Seven fans are remanded in custody.

Serbian fans set off unauthorized pyrotechnics before and during the European Championship match in...
Serbian fans set off unauthorized pyrotechnics before and during the European Championship match in Munich, leading to clashes with the police.

European Football Championship - Nine police officers injured around European Championship match in Munich

At the EM Football match between Serbia and Denmark, clashes occurred between Serbian fans and the police in Munich. Eleven people, among them nine officers and one steward, were injured, according to the police. Seven people were temporarily arrested. An investigating judge issued warrants for their arrest on suspicion of breaching the peace, grievous bodily harm, and assaulting police officers.

Control due to pyrotechnics escalates

The situation escalated when a Serbian fan was to be controlled by the police regarding pyrotechnics at the Marienplatz. According to reports, over 5000 Serbian fans had gathered there around 5 p.m. During the control, "solidarity effects" occurred, the police added. People threw bottles and a chair at the police.

The officers used batons and pepper spray in response, according to the police. A Serbian fan was injured. Nine police officers suffered only minor injuries due to their protective gear, the police further reported.

At Marienplatz station, fans had illegally set off pyrotechnics. Pyrotechnics were also used repeatedly in the stadium. When a fan tried to run onto the field during the game, stewards held him back, according to the police. In the process, one steward was lightly injured. According to the police, there were approximately 15,000 visitors in the fan zone at the Olympiapark during and before the EM match. The Munich police were in action with about 2000 officers.

Several persons were reported for breaching the peace, grievous bodily harm, and assaulting police officers. Of these persons, ten suspects between the ages of 19 and 39 were temporarily arrested. Seven of these suspects, all Serbian nationals, did not have a fixed residence in Germany. They were presented to the investigating judge on the same day. Warrants for their detention were issued against all seven suspects.

The further three suspects, with residences in Munich, Fürth, and North Rhineland-Westphalia, were released after the police measures were completed. The further investigations are being conducted by the Criminal Investigation Department 2.

  1. The clashes between Serbian fans and policemen in Upper Bavaria's Munich during the European Football Championship match between Serbia and Denmark were primarily sparked due to pyrotechnics-related issues.
  2. The police had to intervene at Marienplatz, a famous square in Munich, as a large group of Serbian fans had gathered there and started using pyrotechnics illegally.
  3. The incident at Marienplatz escalated further when a Serbian fan resisted the police's attempts to control him due to the pyrotechnics, leading to clashes between the fans and the policemen.
  4. Witnesses reported that the Serbian fans, caught up in the spirit of the European Football Championship, threw bottles and a chair at the policemen in response to the control attempt.
  5. After the clashes at Marienplatz, the situation further deteriorated at the stadium during the match between Serbia and Denmark, with numerous instances of pyrotechnics being used repeatedly.
  6. In the stadium, a fan attempted to run onto the field, leading to a scuffle between the stewards and the fan, resulting in the light injury of one steward.
  7. The use of pyrotechnics and the subsequent clashes not only caused injuries to several people, including eleven policemen and one steward, but also led to several reports of crime, including breaching the peace and bodily injury.
  8. The police in Munich had to deal with a massive crowd of soccer fans, around 15,000 visitors in the fan zone at the Olympiapark, making the situation even more challenging.
  9. Despite the tension and chaos, the Munich police, with a force of about 2000 officers, managed to maintain order and security throughout the European Football Championship match between Serbia and Denmark in Bavaria, Germany.

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