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Nine dead in liberation operation for former military ruler in Guinea

Nine dead in liberation operation for former military ruler in
Nine dead in liberation operation for former military ruler in

Nine dead in liberation operation for former military ruler in Guinea

Heavily armed attackers stormed the prison in Conakry on Saturday and freed ex-dictator Dadis Camara and three former officials. Only a few hours later, the former military ruler was arrested again. The background to the armed action initially remained unclear. The army spoke of an attempt to "sabotage" reforms in the country.

Dadis Camara was in power in the West African country between 2008 and 2009. Under his rule, the military killed more than 150 people at an opposition rally in September 2009, according to a UN investigation. At least 109 women were raped. A trial against Dadis Camara and other alleged perpetrators has been ongoing since September 2022 due to the army's actions at the time.


