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Niederlechner will leave Hertha-RuedingRound behind

Under coach Dardai, Florian Niederlechner hardly gets called up anymore. But now, a new coach is here.

With his playing time in the second half, Niederlechner was dissatisfied (archive image).
With his playing time in the second half, Niederlechner was dissatisfied (archive image).

2. Bundesliga - Niederlechner will leave Hertha-RuedingRound behind

Attacker Florian Niederlechner will play a bigger role at Hertha BSC under new coach Christian Fiel in the upcoming season - with a new role profile. "In the role as an eighth or tenth I had a good time last season. Now it's a bit different, because the coach has completely different principles and we have to fill in different things," the 33-year-old told "Kicker". Fiel is the new coach at the football second division club, replacing Pal Dardai.

"I can bring in my big strength, the deep runs. It's a very offensive role, where you have to be defensively involved," said Niederlechner. "It fits well. If I get trust from the coach, I can score goals - that I showed last season."

Unsatisfied with the second half of the season

He didn't always feel that under Dardai in the second half of the season. "After the end of the first half of the season, I thought I would get much more playing time in the second half and score many more goals. But it wasn't a wish concert," the striker said.

"It wasn't always fair when you were still being called a quality player two, three weeks beforehand and then you're sitting on the bench for 90 minutes. It was a tough time, but I never gave up." He never thought about changing clubs.

  1. Christian Feil, the new coach at Hertha BSC Berlin, has replaced Pal Dardai in the Second Bundesliga for the upcoming season.
  2. Niederlechner believes his deep runs will be beneficial in his new offensive role under Feil, as he aims to score more goals and regain his form in the Football-Bundesliga.
  3. Despite feeling unsatisfied with his playing time and goal-scoring opportunities in the second half of the last season under Dardai, Niederlechner remained committed to Hertha BSC Berlin and never considered leaving the club.
  4. Feil's principles and tactics will lead to a new role profile for Christian Feil at Hertha BSC, where the 33-year-old will have a more significant role in the attack.

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