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New website for suggestions on bureaucracy reduction

De-bureaucratization minister Pentz calls for proposals against too many regulations. Where does HessePress the shoe, he asks. Your reports at a new website will be thoroughly checked.

Minister Pentz presents a 'Bureaucracy-Reporter': a new website for suggestions on reducing...
Minister Pentz presents a 'Bureaucracy-Reporter': a new website for suggestions on reducing overregulation.

Regulations - New website for suggestions on bureaucracy reduction

In the fight against overregulation, Germany and Hesse's first Deprivatization Minister Manfred Pentz (CDU) calls on citizens to make suggestions. The new website is intended as a "Bureaucracy-Reporter," Pentz stated in Wiesbaden.

Citizens, women and men, associations, and institutions can submit proposals for bureaucracy reduction here. "I call on Hessians and Hessians to tell us where it hurts. The more concrete, the better," Pentz asked. "We will first listen, then act."

"Bureaucracy reduction is a team effort"

Additionally, the website, according to the Deprivatization Ministry, is meant to inform about measures and examples of bureaucracy reduction. Pentz explained: "Bureaucracy reduction is a team effort. To be successful, we need support from as many areas of our society as possible." The proposals will be examined very carefully.

In the past decades, "we have all together piled up a giant mountain of rules. For every problem, there was a solution in the form of new laws, regulations, and administrative regulations. Now we all have to work together to get this mountain back down," Pentz added.

  1. Manfred Pentz, the CDU's first Deprivatization Minister in Hesse, has encouraged Germans to propose ways to reduce bureaucracy through the website
  2. Pentz, while in Wiesbaden, highlighted that the success of 'bureaucracy reduction' requires support from various societal sectors, emphasizing it as a 'team effort.'
  3. Recognizing the accumulation of regulations over decades, Pentz expressed that tackling this 'mountain' of bureaucracy necessitates collective efforts from citizens and institutions across Germany and Hesse.

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