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New signboards in the forest: Smoking and grilling prohibited

In Greece or other regions abroad, firefighters fight forest fires. In Brandenburg, large fires have remained absent this season. However, the country warns of great caution.

In 2023, flames flared up in the forest near Jütterbog. The forest fire season so far this year has...
In 2023, flames flared up in the forest near Jütterbog. The forest fire season so far this year has been favorable.

forest fire danger - New signboards in the forest: Smoking and grilling prohibited

In dry and hot weather, a small spark is enough for a fire to break out in the forest. So far, the current Forest Fire season has been favorable. However, new warning signs will be installed in Brandenburg's forests to raise awareness of the danger.

With a total forest fire area of 14 hectares, the damage so far has remained moderate, according to the Forest Ministry in Potsdam. In the past few weeks, fire departments had to be called out to fight forest fires 100 times (as of July 10).

For comparison, most fires in Germany occurred in Brandenburg in 2023, due to the easily flammable pine forests and sandy soils. A total of 251 fires on approximately 765 hectares were recorded. However, the season in 2023 was still rather favorable. In 2022, there were 523 fires and 1426 hectares affected.

The most common cause is careless arson, such as discarded cigarettes. At 147 locations, mainly near roads in the forest, new signs indicate a fire ban and the danger of discarded cigarettes. "Smoking and lighting a fire is prohibited year-round and independently of the forest fire danger level in the forest and up to a distance of 50 meters from the forest edge," the ministry announced. Anyone who disregards these regulations risks a fine or even a criminal complaint.

Forest fires in Brandenburg are detected early using 105 sensors that capture smoke clouds. Real-time data can be transmitted, which are evaluated in two forest fire control centers. The experts there then alert the regional emergency response and disaster control centers.

The ecological impact of forest fires can be significant, affecting nature and wildlife in Brandenburg. Smoking is a common cause of forest fires, with discarded cigarettes often igniting dry underbrush. Despite the favorable forest fire season, new signs are being installed in Brandenburg's forests to raise awareness about the danger and the year-round ban on smoking and fires nearby. In Greece, where forest fire risk is high, effective fire prevention measures and prompt responses to fires are crucial. A brand, symbolizing caution and fire safety, could potentially be used to promote these measures, reminding people of the potential destruction caused by forest fires in places like Brandenburg or Potsdam.

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