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New right-wing parliamentary group in the EU Parliament is formed - without AfD

The right-wing extremists in the European Parliament are joining forces to form a new parliamentary group. The idea also stems from a politician who currently holds an important position in the EU.

A new far-right parliamentary group is being formed in the European Parliament. (archive picture)
A new far-right parliamentary group is being formed in the European Parliament. (archive picture)

Populists in the European Parliament - New right-wing parliamentary group in the EU Parliament is formed - without AfD

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's right-wing alliance "Patriots for Europe," which was recently formed, now constitutes a new faction in the European Parliament. Besides Orbán's Hungarian party Fidesz, the French Rassemblement National, the Italian League, which is part of the Italian government, and the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO) are part of the faction, according to representatives of the new alliance after the founding meeting in Brussels. The German AfD will not be a member initially.

Jordan Bardella, a Frenchman, is expected to be the head of the faction. Parliament President Roberta Metsola must be informed about the formation of the faction by the official confirmation, which is predicted to occur during the upcoming plenary session next week in Strasbourg. To form a faction in the European Parliament, at least 23 deputies from at least 7 countries are required. The new faction claims to be the third strongest, behind Social Democrats and the center-right European People's Party (EVP), which includes the CDU and CSU. The faction reportedly comprises 84 deputies. It is made up of deputies from twelve countries.

Orbán, who is also the chairman of the Hungarian ruling party Fidesz, the Austrian FPO's chairman Herbert Kickl, and the populist Czech ANO party's chairman Andrej Babis announced the "Patriots for Europe" alliance about a week ago in Vienna. Orbán stated that the alliance aims to change Europe "even against the will of the Brussels elites." Orbán recently drew criticism from several EU states due to his visit to Moscow. Hungary assumed the rotating EU Council presidency on July 1.

The "Patriotic Manifesto" of the alliance includes the typical positions of right-wing, right-populist, and right-extremist parties: rejection of migration and the "Green Deal," no support for Ukraine, which is under attack from Russia, and a dismantling of integration in the EU to strengthen the sovereignty of national states.

Alliance of right-wing parties

The FPO has been an established political force in Austria for decades and is currently experiencing a surge in popularity. Due to their anti-migration stance, right-wing populists have good chances of finishing first in the upcoming National Council election. Babis, the ANO founder, former prime minister, and billionaire, has been seeking a coalition with Viktor Orbán for a long time. If there were parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic at that time, the populist ANO would be the strongest force.

The Rassemblement National of Marine Le Pen finished first in the European election with a significant lead in France. However, the right-nationalists unexpectedly finished third in the subsequent French parliamentary election. For years, Le Pen has been trying to "baptize" the RN and distance herself from her extremist past and the Holocaust denial of the party founder Jean-Marie Le Pen. By doing so, she has made the party electable in the bourgeois center.

The party Fidesz has been in power in Hungary since 2010 without interruption. It suffered significant losses in the European election but remains the strongest party. The right-populists oppose the admission of refugees and face criticism for eroding the rule of law, clientelism, and the manipulation of free media.

Since the Russian aggression war against Ukraine began, the Kremlfriendliness of Hungarian Party Chairman and Prime Minister Orban has become more apparent, as recently demonstrated by his surprising visit to Putin.

Italian League's Vice-President Matteo Salvini has been in Rome's government since October 2022 with two other right-wing parties. The right-populist Salvini was known for his harsh approach towards refugees on the Mediterranean and humanitarian organizations in previous years. His aspiration to become Prime Minister has not been fulfilled yet. The League dropped from 34% (2019) to only nine percent in the European election.

Vox is in opposition in Spain and advocates for a "freer and sovereign Fatherlands Europe." The party promotes pride in one's own nation, preference for domestic products, restriction of free trade, and ending illegal immigration. The party is also known for defaming immigrants, often described as criminal and only interested in social benefits. The traditional family should be the nucleus of a state that is rigidly centralist and focused solely on national interests.

Additionally, parties from other smaller EU countries are participating. This includes the radical-right Dutch Party for Freedom led by Geert Wilders, the Danish People's Party, and Belgium's radical right Vlaams Belang. The Portuguese right-populist party Chega (Enough) has also expressed interest.

The German AfD, which was expelled from the right-nationalist ID faction before the European election, does not see its place in the new Orban alliance yet. AfD leader Alice Weidel ruled this out last Thursday. They are exchanging ideas but it is not an option at the moment. She spoke of a long-term strategic project. "We are connected by friendship and have significant content overlaps, but both parties are subject to political and also foreign policy and foreign economic pressures, which we currently need to consider," the AfD leader said when asked if her party should not have been part of the alliance.

Expected third strongest force in parliament

The chairman of the German SPD parliamentary group, René Repasi, sees the new alliance as a weakening of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Her party is part of the right-conservative European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, which is no longer the third strongest force due to the new right-wing alliance.

  1. The anticipated leader of the new faction in the European Parliament is Jordan Bardella from France.
  2. Upon confirmation, the fidesz party from Hungary, Rassemblement National from France, the Italian League, and the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO) will be part of the new faction.
  3. Orbán's Hungarian party Fidesz, the French Rassemblement National, the Italian League, and the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO) form the "Patriots for Europe" alliance.
  4. Orbán announced the "Patriots for Europe" alliance alongside Babis and Kickl, aiming to change Europe despite the opposition of Brussels elites.
  5. Orbán has drawn criticism from several EU states due to his visit to Moscow and Hungary's assumption of the rotating EU Council presidency on July 1.
  6. The "Patriotic Manifesto" of the alliance includes positions against migration, the Green Deal, and support for Ukraine's attackers.
  7. The Italian League, led by Matteo Salvini, is part of the alliance after finishing third in the European election.
  8. Vox in Spain advocates for a "freer and sovereign Fatherlands Europe," promoting nationalist policies and restricting immigration.
  9. The radical-right Dutch Party for Freedom, the Danish People's Party, and Belgium's Vlaams Belang are also part of the alliance, alongside Chega from Portugal.
  10. The German AfD, expelled from the right-nationalist ID faction, is not yet a member of the Orban alliance but is exchanging ideas with them.
  11. The chairman of the German SPD parliamentary group sees the new alliance as a potential weakening of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.
  12. The new faction, with 84 deputies from 12 countries, is predicted to be the third strongest force in the European Parliament, behind the Social Democrats and the EVP.
  13. The Czech Republic's ANO party, led by billionaire Andrej Babis, has been seeking a coalition with Viktor Orbán for a long time.
  14. The new alliance, "Patriots for Europe," aims to strengthen the sovereignty of national states and challenge the "Brussels elites" in Europe.

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