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New Research Reveals That Nearly 50% of Americans Favor Charging Trump Post-Presidency

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Study: Around half of Americans support the conviction of former President Trump
Study: Around half of Americans support the conviction of former President Trump

New Research Reveals That Nearly 50% of Americans Favor Charging Trump Post-Presidency

Nearly half of U.S. grown-ups voiced dissent toward the penalty levied against previous President Donald Trump in the hush money case, indicates a poll by Associated Press and NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. The survey unveils that 30% of those polled vehemently or somewhat contradicted the fine, 20% were undecided, while 50% showed support.

The reactions to the verdict were less harmonious among Republicans than Democrats. Almost 60% of Republicans frowned upon the penalty, versus just 15% who endorsed it and nearly 20% who remained neutral. Contrastingly, 80% of Democrats fell in the approval or strong support camp.

The court's decision did little to sway public opinion on Trump. Some 60% of adult Americans still held a negative perception of him, analogous to a prior AP-NORC poll in February. The positive assessment of Trump remained at 40%, also in line with the same poll. With President Joe Biden, 40% boasted a favorable opinion, while 60% frowned upon him – a state unaltered since the February poll.

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