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New on the Green Hill? Tips for festival newcomers

What am I drawing? How can I overcome a lengthy 'Götterdämmerung'? And the heat? Tips for newcomers to the Bayreuth Festivals.}

In the Bayreuth Festival House, there are sometimes unique rules (archive photo)
In the Bayreuth Festival House, there are sometimes unique rules (archive photo)

Knowledge for Bayreuth-newcomers - New on the Green Hill? Tips for festival newcomers

A few clicks - and in goes your experience into the unique world of the Bayreuth Festspiele. In online ticket sales now, it's possible to buy tickets for the world-renowned opera spectacle in a regular way and without years of waiting. But then it really gets going: What to expect? How to cope with the heat? Where are the landmines? And what actually happens in Bayreuth, if one is not listening to an opera? Here are some answers for Festspiel newcomers before it starts on the coming Thursday (25. July):

Enduring hours on uncomfortable seats - how to manage that?

A Wagner opera in Bayreuth is a challenge - especially for those not accustomed to focusing on a stage performance for such a long time. "Is that selfie posted yet? That's a challenge for many to enjoy the next few hours," says leisure researcher Ulrich Reinhardt.

Hardly any leisure activity lasts as long as one and a half to two hours. "Most citizens want a new thrill and change the activity. The younger generation gets bored relatively quickly, drifts away, or loses patience and starts doing something else in the meantime," says Festspiel speaker Hubertus Herrmann.

His tips for making it work: "Don't go alone, ask ChatGPT beforehand what to expect and what to pay attention to, take breaks to recharge energy - and choose a seat on the sidelines, in case of emergencies."

How should I best prepare myself for several hours of Wagner?

"Bring some time, arrive an hour early and adjust to the afternoon and evening," suggests Festspiel speaker Hubertus Herrmann. "Good preparation is very important," also says Sissy Thammer, who has been leading the Festival of Young Artists in Bayreuth for many years and is a regular guest on the Green Hill. Immerse yourself in the life and work of Wagner. And then: "Relax, let the music completely take effect." Wagner's music is powerful and wonderfully beautiful. There is no special introductory opera, you can't even say that this or that work is particularly suitable for beginners: "Some say 'The Flying Dutchman' is a good choice because it's short. But that's just a distraction." In general: "Just go and enjoy yourself!"

For reading preparation, there is a wealth of literature available on Wagner and the Festspiele: the spectrum is enormous: biographical, political, musical. Of course, the librettos are also for sale to see Wagner's rather quirky language on paper ("Weia! Waga! Woge, du Welle, walle zur Wiege! Wagalaweia! Wallala weialaweia!"). In addition, a series of introductory lectures are offered in Bayreuth, which help to keep the overview in the thicket between Wotan, Alberich, Siegfried, and Sieglinde.

What will I get out of it?

First and foremost: it's more relaxed these days. Of course, evening gowns and tuxedos are still common. But men without ties and women in jeans or more casual summer clothing can stroll around the Green Hill without a care. After several hours of performance, the most beautiful hairstyle is disheveled, the most elegant jacket is wrinkled. So: stay relaxed. Or go shopping beforehand.

What should I do about the heat?

Putting on shoes that can be easily discarded when the lights go out in the festival hall may be an olfactory challenge for the neighbor, but it can prevent a heat collapse. And at the very least, it doesn't smell good in the festival hall by the second act.

For people with long hair, tying it up! Men should get rid of their coats as quickly as possible when they take a seat. If the heat becomes unbearable, all that's left is to wipe away sweat with the opera ticket or a souvenir fan and dream about the Kneipp pool behind the festival hall, where visitors can relieve their heavy legs during intermissions - with raised evening attire.

What can I eat and drink during the intermissions?

The main facts are: from 4 pm to around 10 pm, with two one-hour intermissions in between. The stomach will growl, the heat of the festival hall demands water, lots of water. One can indulge oneself - at given exclusive prices - directly at the Green Hill. For example, this year, according to the Bayreuth local press, with a specially created "Tristan" doughnut or gold-leaf liverwurst.

A more classical snack: the festival sausage. It comes in a double pack in a bun, and those who are quick and make their way to the sausage stand without detours have a realistic chance of getting another one before the fanfares call for the next act. The line can be very, very long.

Alternatively, one can go a few steps down the festival hill to a hidden tavern. Or one can stock up on provisions and water bottles in the car and picnic in the spacious festival park. The two main audience groups during intermissions: those who can and want to splurge on a gourmet opera evening, and those who make themselves comfortable on a picnic blanket or park bench and enjoy self-smeared bread. Long live diversity - even in the intermission snacks.

Are there any "No-Go's"?

Of course. One of them would be the nice woman in the ladies' room, who is always cheerful and, depending on the lighting of each individual stall, assigns a "shadow spot" or a "sunny spot," always has hygiene and cosmetic articles and plasters at hand, and doesn't ask for tips.

Unpopular are also those in the middle of the parquet who are the last to return to the festival hall after each intermission and have to push their way through dozens of punctual spectators. Those who go to the opera with a cough also face irritated looks.

And something special about Wagner's last opera, "Parsifal," which should only be performed in Bayreuth and nowhere else: In Bayreuth, traditionally, no clapping is allowed after the first act - despite Wagner's supposed wish to do without applause, which is likely a misunderstanding. The newspaper "Die Welt" wrote aptly after the first act one time: "Instead, there is a kind of silence for Richard Wagner, whose death in 1883 many visitors have not yet come to terms with."

And aside from the performances in Bayreuth?

For those who have the time and energy, they can certainly make a small excursion to the surrounding areas: Fichtel Mountains and Franconian Switzerland offer beautiful nature, hiking trails, beer gardens, outdoor swimming pools, caves with ancient stalactites, castles - and lately, even a gondola lift to the more than 1,000 meter high Ochsenkopf. In Bayreuth itself, there is no escape during the Festival weeks: Wagner everywhere. Every single shopkeeper, who has something to sell, decorates their window accordingly. But since one is already here, one might as well immerse oneself fully in the Wagner-Aura: a visit to the Richard Wagner Museum in the former residence of the Master, lectures, smaller concerts, autograph sessions. Or wellness at the Lohengrin Thermal Baths. But without the Swan.

  1. Ulrich Reinhardt, a leisure researcher, suggests that focusing on a Wagner opera in Bayreuth for extended periods can be challenging for those not used to it, as many individuals may be preoccupied with posting their selfies online.
  2. Hubertus Herrmann, a Festspiel speaker, recommends arriving an hour early before the performances, preparing well by becoming familiar with Wagner's life and work, and taking breaks to recharge energy.
  3. According to Hubertus Herrmann, younger festival-goers tend to lose patience or become bored easily during long performances, but attending the Bayreuth Festspiele as a group can make the experience more enjoyable.
  4. In preparation for several hours of Wagner opera, Festspiel speaker Hubertus Herrmann suggests considering bringing some time, wearing comfortable clothing, and using seat backs or aisles for emergency exits.
  5. Sissy Thammer, who has led the Festival of Young Artists in Bayreuth for many years, advises newcomers to relax and let the music completely take effect during the performance.
  6. The Green Hill, located near the Bayreuth Festspiele, offers a variety of food and drink options for festival-goers during intermissions, but there are also alternatives such as picnicking in the spacious festival park or visiting local beer gardens and taverns.
  7. Certain behaviors are considered "No-Go's" at the Bayreuth Festspiele, including hogging the aisles during intermissions, coughing loudly during performances, and failing to observe the tradition of not clapping after the first act of "Parsifal."

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