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New Juso leader Türmer: traffic light coalition is not an end in itself

The new head of the Jusos, Philipp Türmer, is considered left-wing and critical. The Young Socialists are furious with the Chancellor, but Finance Minister Lindner is also in the spotlight. First and foremost because of the debt brake.

Philipp Türmer is considered critical and left-wing. We need "loud, independent, courageous Jusos"
Philipp Türmer is considered critical and left-wing. We need "loud, independent, courageous Jusos" again, he

New Juso leader Türmer: traffic light coalition is not an end in itself

The new federal chairman of the Jusos, Philipp Türmer, has called for the abolition of the debt brake. "My primary goal is to overturn the debt brake. Here we will seek conflict with the traffic light coalition and in particular with the FDP," Türmer told the "Tagesspiegel" newspaper. The traffic light coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP must legitimize itself by showing "that it is capable of overcoming the challenges of this time". "No coalition is an end in itself, not even this one," said the Juso leader.

Without a conversion of industry to climate neutrality, the climate targets would "never be achieved". However, this can only be achieved with investment. Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) "must now do his job and explain where this money is to come from", demanded Türmer. On Wednesday, the Federal Constitutional Court declared the reallocation of 60 billion euros in loans in the 2021 budget null and void. They had been approved to tackle the coronavirus crisis, but were to be used for climate protection and modernizing the economy. Now the billions are not available.

Türmer also criticized the behaviour of Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the coalition: "It is not enough for me if a Social Democratic Federal Chancellor only likes the role of moderating two squabblers," said the Juso leader. "Especially not when the centrifugal forces are driving the FDP and the Greens in different directions. Then all that comes out is stagnation - and we really can't afford stagnation."

In response to the traffic light coalition's financial challenges, Philipp Türmer, the new Juso leader, called on Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner to explain the source of needed investments for climate neutrality conversion in industry. Additionally, Türmer criticized the coalition's dynamics, stating that a stagnating role for a Social Democratic Chancellor, in the face of conflicting FDP and Green agendas, is not sufficient.


