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New Delhi: Monsoon rain causes airport roof to collapse

June to September is the monsoon season in South Asia, which often brings destruction with it. At Delhi Airport, a roof has now collapsed after heavy rainfall.

Cars have been damaged by the collapse of a canopy at the departure terminal of Indira Gandhi...
Cars have been damaged by the collapse of a canopy at the departure terminal of Indira Gandhi Airport in New Delhi.

India - New Delhi: Monsoon rain causes airport roof to collapse

After heavy downpours, parts of the roof of New Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport in India have collapsed. A person was reportedly killed and six others were injured, according to local media. Heavy monsoon rains and strong winds have been sweeping through the city since early morning, causing the roof collapse of the Indira Gandhi International Airport. The heavy rains, which lasted for more than three hours, flooded large parts of the city.

The collapse of the roof sections occurred at the departure terminal's forecourt. "Some people were injured. Emergency personnel are working to help the affected and all departures have been temporarily suspended," an airport spokesperson said. Several cars were reportedly crushed. Chaos reigned at the airport as check-in counters were closed and many people were turning back, reported news channel NDTV.

The monsoon season begins in South Asia in June and lasts until September. Heavy rains that can lead to severe flooding and landslides are common during this period. Deadly consequences often occur.

The collapse of the airport roof is a stark reminder of the monsoon's destructive power in South Asia. This incident took place at New Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport, a major international hub in India. The heavy monsoon rain and storm that hit New Delhi in the morning were responsible for the roof's collapse. The airport has been greatly affected, with departures temporarily suspended and several cars getting crushed. Monsoon seasons in South Asia, including India, are known for their heavy rainfall, which can lead to significant disruptions and tragedies.

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