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Netanyahu meets Biden at the White House

Israel's prime minister is currently on a major US trip. Besides his speech in the congress, there are numerous important meetings - with the current president and the candidates for his successor.

Biden: 'We have a lot to discuss.'
Biden: 'We have a lot to discuss.'

Visit to Washington - Netanyahu meets Biden at the White House

After his speech at the US Congress, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with US President Joe Biden at the White House on Thursday. They had planned a meeting between Netanyahu and Biden's Vice President Kamala Harris, who will move into the White House on Biden's behalf for the Democrats on November 5. On Friday, Netanyahu is scheduled to meet with the Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, in Florida.

The relationship between the incumbent US President Biden and Israel's government has been tense for a long time. The actions of the Israeli leadership during the Gaza War have further deteriorated the situation. The US, as Israel's most significant ally, have been urging Israel for months to ease humanitarian aid in Gaza and improve the protection of the civilian population. Netanyahu rejects any criticism of his country's military actions in the Gaza Strip.

At the beginning of the meeting, Netanyahu thanked Biden for his support: "I would like to thank you for 50 years in public service and 50 years of support for the State of Israel," said the Israeli prime minister to Biden, who had announced his withdrawal from the presidential race on Sunday. Biden said there was much to discuss. The two answered no questions from the assembled press.

The USA are pushing for the achievement of a hostage deal

Netanyahu justified his course with all clarity at the Capitol in Washington on Wednesday. The beleaguered prime minister was celebrated by Republicans there and lashed out against critics from all sides. He also dismissed the accusations of the International Criminal Court as dangerous lies.

Despite the hopes of relatives of the 120 still remaining hostages in the Gaza Strip, Netanyahu did not announce an agreement for a ceasefire in exchange for their release.

John Kirby, communications director of the National Security Council, said that much was on the agenda for the meeting between Biden and Netanyahu. The USA are convinced that the hostage deal will come about. They believe that the remaining gaps can be closed, "but it will, as always, require a certain amount of leadership, compromise, and effort to achieve this goal."

It is Netanyahu's first visit to Washington in almost four years and his first foreign trip since the terrorist attack by the Islamist Hamas on Israel on October 7, which led to the war in Gaza. Netanyahu's appearance before the US Congress was also his fourth such appearance, which is rather unusual. Biden and Netanyahu last met in person in Tel Aviv in October, shortly after the Hamas massacre.

Protests against Netanyahu in the USA

Netanyahu's stay in Washington was accompanied by larger protests. There were also anti-Semitic incidents. Harris condemned these: "I condemn all persons who align themselves with the terrorist organization Hamas, which has sworn to destroy the State of Israel and kill Jews," shared the US Vice President. "Pro-Hamas graffiti and rhetoric are despicable and should not be tolerated in our country."

She also condemned the burning of the US flag. "It should never be desecrated in this way." She supports the right to peaceful protest, said Harris, and added: "But let us be clear: Antisemitism, hate, and violence of any kind have no place in our country."

Protests were also a topic in the regular press conference at the White House. Kirby was asked if he agreed with claims that Iran financially supports some of the demonstrators. In response, he said, "we know that Iran has financially supported and sponsored some of the protests here in the United States." However, it is not believed that all protests are supported by Iran.

  1. Despite the ongoing conflicts and the need for Diplomacy, the US Government has been urging Israel for months to ease humanitarian aid in Gaza and improve the protection of the civilian population.
  2. During their meeting at the White House, Joe Biden discussed several International Relationship issues with Benjamin Netanyahu, including the tensions between Israel and Gaza.
  3. In response to the criticisms of his country's military actions in the Gaza Strip, Netanyahu dismissed them as dangerous lies in his speech at the Capitol in Washington on Wednesday.
  4. John Kirby, a key figure in Biden's administration, believes that the remaining gaps for a hostage deal can be closed with leadership, compromise, and effort.
  5. The US Congress has been divided on their stance towards Israel, with some Republicans celebrating Netanyahu's speech and others criticizing his actions in the Gaza Strip.
  6. Kamala Harris, the Democratic Vice President, condemned the anti-Semitic incidents that accompanied Netanyahu's stay in Washington and the burning of the US flag.
  7. The US Government, under Joe Biden, has been pushing for a hostage deal to be achieved, believing it to be a necessary step towards peace in the Gaza Strip.
  8. Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington marked his first foreign trip since the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas, which led to the war in Gaza.
  9. The relationship between the US Government and Israel's government has been strained, with tensions escalating during the Gaza War and the US advocating for more humane treatment of the civilian population.
  10. The controversial meetings between Netanyahu and Donald Trump are set to take place in Florida on Friday, with the Republican presidential candidate continuing to express his support for Israel.

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