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Netanyahu issues clear warning to Hezbollah

While Hamas has lost control of the north of the Gaza Strip according to Israeli reports, Prime Minister Netanyahu issues a drastic warning to Lebanon. The overview.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issues a drastic warning to
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issues a drastic warning to

Netanyahu issues clear warning to Hezbollah

In response to ongoing attacks from neighboring Lebanon, Israel has issued a clear warning to the Shiite militia Hezbollah. "Don't make the mistake of going to war. That would be Hezbollah," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday evening to the group, which is mainly financed by Iran. "Your entry into the war will seal the fate of Lebanon."

Israeli Defense Minister Joav Galant said that on his country's northern border, "provocations have turned into aggression". The majority of the Israeli air force is no longer occupied with the Gaza Strip, the aircraft noses are now pointing north. "The citizens of Lebanon must know that if Nasrallah makes a mistake, the fate of Beirut could be like the fate of Gaza."

Last Friday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned of a military escalation on the Israeli-Lebanese border in his first speech since the outbreak of the war. Since the beginning of the Gaza war, the situation there has become increasingly tense.

Hezbollah is considered to be far more powerful and better armed than the Islamist Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Its influence reaches deep into the Lebanese state, which has been paralyzed by crises and where the group is also represented in parliament.

Israel: Hamas no longer has control over the north

According to Israel, Hamas has lost control of the northern part of the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu said on Saturday evening that Hamas fighters "no longer have a safe place to hide". The military had also previously announced that the Islamist organization no longer controlled the north of the coastal strip. Netanyahu again said that Israel wanted to retain control of security in the Gaza Strip after defeating Hamas. He also reiterated that there would be no ceasefire as long as the hostages kidnapped by the extremists were not released.

Israeli tanks continue operation in Gaza City

According to eyewitness reports, Israeli tanks are operating in the central streets of Gaza City. The Palestinian Red Crescent reported on Saturday that tanks were about 20 meters away from the Al-Kuds hospital and that there was heavy shelling in the area. Thousands of refugees who had sought shelter in the hospital were in great fear. Only seven of the aid organization's 18 ambulances in the northern Gaza Strip are still operational, the report continued.

Germany increases humanitarian aid for Palestinians

Germany is increasing its humanitarian aid for the Palestinian territories by a further 38 million euros in view of the suffering of the civilian population in the Gaza Strip. This was announced by Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Saturday after talks with Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Shtaje in Ramallah in the West Bank. Of the additional aid for the Palestinians, 25 million is to go to the UN Palestinian Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), 10 million to the World Food Program and just under 3 million to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

300,000 people at large pro-Palestinian demonstration in London

Meanwhile, according to police estimates, around 300,000 people took part in a major pro-Palestinian demonstration in London. In chants and on placards, they demanded "Freedom for Palestine" and an end to the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip on Saturday. Around 150 demonstrators were arrested. According to the police, they had thrown fireworks and wore masks. Numerous people also gathered at pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Germany on Saturday. In Berlin-Kreuzberg alone, the police counted around 2,600 people before the protest march began.

Israelis demonstrate for the release of hostages

Thousands of people also demonstrated on Saturday evening in the Israeli coastal metropolis of Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities - but for the release of 239 hostages being held in the Gaza Strip. Following a meeting with Baerbock, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen spoke out in favor of an internationally coordinated effort to secure the release of the hostages.

280 Germans have left the Gaza Strip within days

Unlike the abductees, hundreds of foreigners have repeatedly been able to leave the Gaza Strip for Egypt over the past two weeks. According to the Federal Foreign Office, more than 280 Germans and their relatives have managed to do so in the past few days. Intensive work is continuing to ensure that all other Germans wishing to leave the coastal area are also able to do so, the authority announced on Saturday evening via Twitter follower X.

What will be important on Sunday

Demonstrations in connection with the Gaza war are once again planned in several German cities. In Paris, there is to be a large demonstration against anti-Semitism in France. The initiative for the "March against anti-Semitism" comes from Parliament President Yaël Braun-Pivet and Senate President Gérard Larcher. In addition to Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, all parties with the exception of the left have announced their participation.


