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Netanyahu gives speech before US Congress in Washington - Uncertain hope for ceasefire

Gaza War

The pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is mounting.
The pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is mounting.

Netanyahu gives speech before US Congress in Washington - Uncertain hope for ceasefire

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is giving a speech before the US Congress in Washington on Wednesday. The topic is expected to include the ongoing Gaza war, which has been raging for over nine months. Relatives of Israeli hostages accompanying Netanyahu on his US trip are also hoping for a possible announcement from the prime minister regarding a ceasefire and the release of hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners.

At a meeting with the relatives, Netanyahu expressed cautious optimism. In the restricted coastal strip, about 120 hostages are still believed to be missing, many of whom may not be alive anymore. Hope for a deal through international mediation efforts have repeatedly failed.

Netanyahu's visit to Washington is marked by the political turmoil in the US following Joe Biden's withdrawal from the presidential race. A planned meeting between Biden and Netanyahu was initially postponed.

Netanyahu is also reportedly trying to arrange a meeting with the former US President and Republican candidate, Donald Trump, during his visit.

In his speech before the U.S. Congress, Netanyahu discussed the prospect of a ceasefire in the Gaza War, which has been ongoing for over nine months. Despite repeated attempts at international mediation, hope for a deal has thus far been unsuccessful. The Israeli prime minister expressed cautious optimism to the relatives of hostages accompanying him on his trip, hinting at the possibility of a ceasefire in exchange for the release of Palestinian prisoners.

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