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Netanyahu emphasizes the strength of the bond before his trip to the USA

Netanyahu meets Biden despite his withdrawal from the race for another term. Before leaving, Israel's prime minister names the topics he intends to address at the meeting.

Netanyahu meets Biden (archive photo)
Netanyahu meets Biden (archive photo)

Visit to the USA - Netanyahu emphasizes the strength of the bond before his trip to the USA

Before his departure to the USA, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized the strength of the bond between the two countries. He will make efforts to seek the support of both political factions in the USA, the Prime Minister said. "I will tell my friends on both sides that regardless of whom the American people choose as their next president, Israel remains America's indispensable and stronger ally in the Middle East."

He will give a speech before the Congress on Wednesday, "at a time when Israel is fighting on seven fronts and there is great political uncertainty in Washington," Netanyahu added.

Despite Biden's withdrawal from the race for another term, Netanyahu will meet the US President on Tuesday. "This will be an opportunity to thank him for the things he has done for Israel during the war and throughout his long and distinguished public service as a Senator, as Vice President, and as President."

He will also speak with Biden about how they can advance the shared goals of both countries in the critical coming months: "the release of all our hostages, victory over Hamas, countering the terror axis of Iran and its proxies, and ensuring the secure return of all Israeli citizens to their homes in the North and South."

Netanyahu concluded: "In this time of war and uncertainty, it is important that Israel's enemies know that America and Israel stand together - today, tomorrow, and always."

  1. During his journey to Tel Aviv, Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed his confidence in maintaining a strong alliance between Israel and the United States of America, especially during the upcoming elections.
  2. Despite the ongoing conflicts in the Palestinian territories and Iran's involvement, Netanyahu emphasized that Israel remains a vital partner for the USA, regardless of who wins the presidential election.
  3. In his speech before the Congress, Netanyahu highlighted the pressing challenges Israel faces, including confronting Hamas and addressing the threat posed by Iran and its allies, with the support of the USA.
  4. Upon meeting with President Biden, Netanyahu expressed gratitude for the past aid and support provided by the USA during the war and throughout Biden's political career, reaffirming their shared goals for a secure Israel.
  5. With the ongoing uncertainties in Washington and the Middle East, Netanyahu emphasized the importance of maintaining the steadfast alliance between the USA and Israel, ensuring a joint commitment to peace and security for both nations.

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