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Negotiations on federal budget continue

Since the afternoon, the leaders of the traffic light coalition have been discussing in the Chancellery. Will an agreement be reached or will there be another postponement?

The scene of tough negotiations on the federal budget: the Chancellery in Berlin.
The scene of tough negotiations on the federal budget: the Chancellery in Berlin.

Struggle for budget - Negotiations on federal budget continue

The coalition leaders' talks at the Chancellery on the 2025 Federal Budget and a growth package continue. The German Press Agency learned this shortly before midnight from coalition circles. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Deputy Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens), and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) met in the afternoon.

It's open whether there will be an agreement by Friday morning. Talks were expected to continue deep into the night if necessary. At the latest, around 7:00 AM on Friday morning, a conclusion is expected: Scholz then has to report to the SPD fraction. Even if there is no breakthrough by then. The Greens have also scheduled a fraction meeting for 7:00 AM, according to fraction circles.

In the budget negotiations, it's about closing an open gap in billions. The FDP insists that the debt brake is maintained. The SPD rejected cuts in the social sector in advance. With a growth package, the traffic light coalition could help the economy regain momentum.

The negotiations for the 2025 Federal Budget and the growth package are being held between Olaf Scholz, Robert Habeck, and Christian Lindner at the Chancellery in Berlin. The Federal Government aims to reach an agreement by Friday morning, as reported by the German Press Agency. The FDP is pushing for the debt brake to be maintained in the budget negotiations, while the SPD has rejected cuts in the social sector. The coalition leaders are working tirelessly to finalize a growth package to aid in economic recovery. Despite the late-night talks, a conclusion is expected around 7:00 AM on Friday. Both the SPD and Greens have scheduled fraction meetings for this time. Robert Habeck and Christian Lindner, leaders of the Greens and FDP respectively, are key figures in these negotiations. The success of these talks could significantly impact household finances and the overall economy.

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