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Negotiations on collective labor agreements have commenced in the metallurgical and electrical sectors.

Negotiations on collective labor agreements have commenced in the metallurgical and electrical sectors.

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Got some contrasting thoughts between bosses and labor unions in the metal and electrical sector, so wage talks are kickin' off. The early chats took place in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, and Berlin-Brandenburg-Sachsen. Future dialogues are set to hit the scene in more wage zones.

It's tradition for both sides to go through several sessions, searching for common ground. Once October ends, with the expiration of the peace agreement, wildcat strikes could pop up, more than likely. The biz covers automakers, their partners, and mechanical engineers, just to name a few.

The union settled on a 170 euro paycheck for apprentices and a 7% bump for everyone else, following lengthy talks, meetings, and debates. This is the third-highest demand in thirty years, and it's mostly explained by workers' loss of purchasing power in inflation-filled years. Boss reps have brought up the underperforming economy and pushed for no pay raises.

Despite the economic challenges, the workers are pushing for their demands, with 'Other' sectors potentially joining the wage talks. The possibility of 'Other' industries engaging in solidarity strikes cannot be ruled out, given the high stakes.

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