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NATO sends old hares to Kiev

long experience

Patrick Turner will lead the NATO representation in Kiev.
Patrick Turner will lead the NATO representation in Kiev.

NATO sends old hares to Kiev

For nearly ten years, NATO has had an official representation in Kiev. The British Patrick Turner is now being sent there as its leader. He is expected to contribute to the coordination of military aid for Ukraine against attacking Russia, among other things.

NATO is strengthening its civilian representation in Ukraine and sending a senior alliance representative to Kiev. Former deputy secretary general, Patrick Turner, will lead the NATO representation in the Ukrainian capital from September and serve as a central contact person for local authorities. The British national will also help coordinate military support for Ukraine and provide Allied information and assessments of the situation in the country.

The strengthening of NATO's representation in Kiev follows the decisions of the NATO summit last week in Washington. There, the 32 Allies agreed on the start of an operation to coordinate weapons deliveries and training activities for the Ukrainian armed forces, to be led from Wiesbaden, Germany. In the summit declaration, Ukraine was also assured that it would receive military aid worth at least 40 billion euros in the next year.

Patrick Turner worked in the NATO secretariat office from 1992 to 1996. Later, he was deputy British ambassador to NATO and, from 2018 to 2022, deputy secretary general for defense policy and planning. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg commented that Turner brings years of experience and leadership skills to the job.

NATO has had an official representation in Kiev for nearly a decade, which also oversees a liaison office and an information and documentation center established at the end of the 90s. It is responsible for maintaining contacts with Ukrainian ministries and authorities, promoting political dialogue and practical cooperation between NATO and Ukraine. It also advises authorities on support for the NATO-Ukraine partnership and reforms in the security and defense sector. There will be more personnel for this in the future.

The decision to strengthen NATO's presence in Kiev comes in response to the 'Attack on Ukraine' by Russia. As the new head of NATO's representation, Patrick Turner will utilize diplomacy to coordinate military aid for Ukraine. This action is in line with the recent commitments made by NATO Allies, including the promise of providing Ukraine with at least 40 billion euros in military aid.

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