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Nationwide raid against Islamists - More than 500 police officers deployed

54 buildings searched

The sponsor of the "Blue Mosque" in Hamburg is the target of a major nationwide
The sponsor of the "Blue Mosque" in Hamburg is the target of a major nationwide

Nationwide raid against Islamists - More than 500 police officers deployed

As part of a raid against the Islamic Center Hamburg, dozens of buildings across Germany have been searched since the early hours of the morning and hundreds of police officers have been deployed. The association is classified as Islamist by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

As part of investigative measures against the "Islamic Center Hamburg" (IZH), 54 properties in seven federal states were searched in the early hours of this morning. This was announced by the Federal Ministry of the Interior. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said that the IZH had long been under observation by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and was classified as Islamist. More than 500 police officers are on duty.

"The IZH is suspected of being directed against the constitutional order and against the idea of international understanding and thus fulfilling the grounds for prohibition under Article 9 Paragraph 2 of the Basic Law and Section 3 Paragraph 1 of the Associations Act," writes the Federal Ministry of the Interior. "To further clarify this suspicion and to secure evidence, a total of 54 properties in seven federal states have been searched since 6.00 a.m. this morning by order of the competent administrative courts."

The security authorities are also investigating the suspicion that the IZH supports the activities of the Lebanese terrorist organization "Hizb Allah", which is banned in Germany. The other associations are suspected of being sub-organizations of the IZH.

"Islamist scene in our sights"

Federal Interior Minister Faeser announced: "We have the Islamist scene in our sights. Especially now, at a time when many Jews feel particularly threatened, we generally do not tolerate Islamist propaganda or anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli incitement," said the SPD politician. "Right now, we need to be highly vigilant and take tough action. That is why we are resolutely investigating every well-founded suspicion."

Last November, the parties in the traffic light government had already called on the Federal Ministry of the Interior to "examine whether and how the Islamic Center Hamburg can be closed down as a hub for the Iranian regime's operations in Germany".

The Hamburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution regards the IZH as an outpost of Tehran. The chairman of the Green Party, Omid Nouripour, described the IZH as "the regime's most important spy nest in Germany". Spokespersons for the IZH have always denied these accusations.



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