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Nationwide campaign for more safety in bicycle traffic

The Traffic Ministry is launching a new awareness campaign for road safety, with a particular focus on cyclists.}

A new campaign will ensure safer cycling in Lower Saxony.
A new campaign will ensure safer cycling in Lower Saxony.

Traffic safety - Nationwide campaign for more safety in bicycle traffic

With a nationwide campaign, the Transport Ministry in Lower Saxony aims to promote more safety for cyclists in road traffic. "Our goal must be to increase the share of cycling in total traffic and reduce accident numbers. Unfortunately, the number of injured and killed cyclists in 2023 was higher than in the previous year," said Transport Minister Olaf Lies (SPD) in Hannover. In the coming weeks and months, efforts will be made under the slogan "More Together... PLEASE" through posters, talks, and an online quiz to promote more consideration.

"The significance and share of pedestrian and cycling traffic in modern road traffic development is continuously increasing, and the available traffic spaces must be divided sensibly and considerately. This can only be done together and not against each other," said State Police President Axel Brockmann. According to police reports, two people were killed and 32 were seriously injured, while 326 were lightly injured in accidents between cyclists and pedestrians last year. The Transport Ministry has made 400,000 Euros available for the campaign.

Following the launch of the national campaign by the Transport Ministry in Lower Saxony, local authorities in Hannover are urged to install more bicycle lanes and owarn signs to further enhance bicycle traffic safety. The campaign, which has received a funding of 400,000 Euros from the Transport Ministry, emphasizes the importance of shared responsibility among cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists in promoting traffic safety. Despite the campaign, cyclists in Hannover continue to face high accident rates, with 326 minor injuries reported in bicycle-pedestrian accidents last year alone.

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