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Nancy Faeser introduces legislation expanding reasons for expulsion.

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Nancy Faeser announces bill to extend grounds for deportation
Nancy Faeser announces bill to extend grounds for deportation

Nancy Faeser introduces legislation expanding reasons for expulsion.

The Interior Minister Nancy Faeser is getting ready to propose legislation that would increase the reasons for deportation. In a frank conversation with the media outlets of Funke Group, she declared the imminent implementation of Chancellor Olaf Scholz's words. Faeser emphasized that individuals who support terrorism activities will face deportation urgently. She added, "I will soon submit a draft law on this". In the coming times, the government plans to analyze the process of fast deportation of severe criminals and Islamist extremists to Afghanistan and Syria.

Scholz, who is the federal chancellor, vowed to defend the state from 'terror' conducted by radical Islamists using every means possible. Speaking about the suspected Islamist-motivated knife attack in Mannheim, Scholz stated, "Such criminals must be deported - even if they are from Syria or Afghanistan". The police officer who was seriously injured during the attack eventually succumbed to his injuries.

However, the SPD and FDP are pushing for deportations even to Afghanistan, whereas the Greens exhibit their concerns regarding the rule of the radical, Islamist Taliban militia. Nouripour, a co-party leader of Greens, put Faeser through questioning for putting forth a concept that respects the central concerns of law, peace, and practicality. "She must also address the questions of how we can avoid sending funds to the primitive Islamists of the Taliban or freeing offenders and consequently bringing them back to Germany" - said Nouripour. "The Interior Ministry must now provide solutions to these issues."

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Faeser, in her discussions with media outlets, revealed that she will submit a draft law to expand reasons for deportation, aligning with Scholz's vows. The proposed legislation targets individuals who support terrorism activities, as Faeser emphasized. The Greens, led by Nouripour, have raised concerns about the potential deployment of funds to the Taliban militia if deportations to Afghanistan are pursued, pleading for solutions from the Interior Ministry.

