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Nahles wants to order refugees to the job center more often

"Every four to six weeks"

Andrea Nahles, Chairwoman of the Executive Board of the Federal Employment Agency, at the
Andrea Nahles, Chairwoman of the Executive Board of the Federal Employment Agency, at the Federal Press

Nahles wants to order refugees to the job center more often

Following Minister of Labor Heil's "job turbo", BA boss Nahles now also expects refugees to integrate better into the job market. They should visit the job center regularly after completing a German course at the latest.

The head of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), Andrea Nahles, wants to get more refugees into work with regular appointments at the job center. They should "now come to the job center every four to six weeks and talk specifically about the placement proposals", Nahles told RTL and ntv. This applies not only to Ukrainian war refugees, but "for all refugees".

Federal Minister of Social Affairs Hubertus Heil had also announced a "job turbo" for refugees in November in view of the shortage of skilled workers and applicants in the economy. This should also include people who do not yet have a good command of German. Nahles now said that after arrival and a German course, "now is the phase where we say: now we also expect people to participate in working life".

In November, Heil's ministry pointed out that around 400,000 refugees had completed their integration course or were about to do so. Half of them come from Ukraine. In a joint declaration with leading business associations, trade unions and companies, it was stated that the Ministry of Labor would work together with the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to provide more practical and job-related professional language courses.

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