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Mysterious individuals leave behind three infants in London.

Years: 2017, 2019, and 2024 Highlighted

Adoptive parents have already been found for two of the children.
Adoptive parents have already been found for two of the children.

Mysterious individuals leave behind three infants in London.

Over a span of seven years, three infants have been abandoned in London, with the most recent one being less than an hour old. Recently, DNA tests proved that the three children are blood-related. The authorities are working tirelessly to locate the parents of these siblings.

Within this short timespan, three newborns have been discovered in London, and DNA testing has revealed that they share a common ancestry. The newborns, found in different years, are all from the same region of the British capital. There's still a mystery surrounding the identities of the parents who left them behind.

Just this year, a dog owner in east London discovered a baby, wrapped in a handkerchief and placed inside a shopping bag, during freezing weather conditions. After raising the alarm, the baby girl was transported to the hospital and was given the name 'Baby Elsa'. Subsequent DNA tests have revealed Baby Elsa's siblings - Baby Harry and Baby Roman - who were found in 2017 and 2019 in the same area of London under similar circumstances. The identities of the siblings' parents remain a mystery. The London police are working on identifying them.

A family judge decided to remove the strict reporting restrictions on this case on Monday. This decision allowed British media to share information on the story, as it was determined to be in the public interest. "The abandonment of an infant is a rare occurrence in this country and there are even some years where none are abandoned," said Judge Carol Atkinson. Since this is an unusual event, the media reporting on the kinship between the siblings is what the public desires to know.

Elsa was likely less than an hour old when she was found on January 18 in the London district of East Ham. Baby Roman was discovered in a playground in Newham towards the end of January 2019; it was cold and snowing at the time. Baby Harry was left in a blanket in Plaistow in September 2017. Adoptive parents have since been found for Harry and Roman, while a decision regarding Elsa's future is yet to be made.

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The media's coverage of the abandoned siblings in London has sparked international interest, as the case is quite rare within the UK. Despite the adopting of Harry and Roman by new families, the identity of Elsa's parents, who were last seen abandoning an infant in London, remains a topic of investigation for the London Police.

