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Museum in Munster shows from September Otto Mueller

A show in Munster sheds light on the relationship between various artists - yet dares to cast a critical eye on the prejudices of their time.

The LWL Museum for Art and Culture in Munster at the Cathedral Square honors Otto Mueller on his...
The LWL Museum for Art and Culture in Munster at the Cathedral Square honors Otto Mueller on his 150th birthday with an exhibition.

Exhibition for the 150th. - Museum in Munster shows from September Otto Mueller

For his 150th birthday, the Westfalen-Lippe Landscape Association honors Expressionist Otto Mueller in Münster with an exhibition. From September 20, 2024 to February 2, 2025, the LWL Museum for Art and Culture at the Domplatz will show Mueller's (1874-1930) works and his dialogue with artists and artists from his time. Among them are representatives of the artist group "Die Brücke" such as Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, as the LWL announces.

Four of the works on display come from the collection of the LWL Museum, 60 will be contributed. So from the Brücke Museum Berlin, the Städel Museum Frankfurt am Main, the Albertina in Vienna and the Museum of Modern Art in New York. According to the announcement, the exhibition curators place particular emphasis on the critical and analytical processing of romanticizing and stereotyping representations of minorities in Mueller's work.


In addition to Münster, the anniversary exhibition of Otto Müller will also be held in Memmingen and the Monastery Museum. This extensive showcase of over 60 artworks will also feature pieces from renowned museums like the Brücke Museum Berlin, Städel Museum Frankfurt am Main, Albertina in Vienna, and the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Notably, the exhibition highlights Otto Müller's dialogue with artists from his time, including Expressionists such as Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, while critically analyzing the romanticizing and stereotyping representations of minorities in his art.

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